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Everything posted by Toirtis

  1. We have had them a few times down at Riverfront...should have more in before long.
  2. Welcome to the board, Wolfgang.
  3. Look here, J & L Aquatics, for one. Looking at about $550 after tax and shipping on the 1/10hp...not a cheap toy.
  4. I have seen it linked to issues with Ctenopoma and Polypteridae.
  5. Well, hello, Allicia...
  6. Not currently, although I have in the past....just waiting on an AAA-grade sapphire gold-head crossback that I will be getting either just before or after x-mas.
  7. I can offer a few good places to buy them both new, and UV sterilisers come up frequently at ACE auctions (diatom filters less so)....I suppose for used your best bet is looking on here and the various local reef boards.
  8. The GF's new (circa 3 weeks old) 33 gallon planted (flourite black substrate, CO2-injected) Fish inhabitants include: 9 Corydoras sterbai 9 Trigonostigma heteromorpha 9 Paracheirodon axelrodi 5 Hemigrammus bleheri 6 Otocinclus affinis 3 Microgeophagus ramirezi (German blue) 2 Microgeophagus ramirezi (German gold) 3 Iriatherina werneri 1 Panaque maccus 1 Ancistrus ranuculus 1 Betta splendens Plant inhabitants include: Shinnersia rivularis 'Weiss-GrĂ¼n' Sagittaria Subulata Anubias barteri var. 'nana' Anubia lancelota Microsorium pteropus var 'Windelov' Rotala macranda Potamogeton helferi Ludwigia repens Lobelia cardinalis Hemianthus callitrichoides Cryptocoryne undulata Cladophora aegagropila
  9. I nearly bought myself an M-6 ( http://www.pentairaquatics.com/products/detail/M-Series.html ) cart-mounted unit when a local wholesaler was blowing-out a bunch of Pentair stuff cheap (it would have cost me about $600), but really had no need/excuse to buy it....in retrospect, I probably should have, although I have no idea where I would keep such a beast.
  10. Clearing customs can be complicated and time-consuming, which is why many people use brokers, but UPS' broker fees are wildly high (sometimes approaching 50% of the value of the item)....your only option is to have the goods shipped USPS, which is far, far cheaper.
  11. Using this on one tank, and it is working very well...unfortunately, you are looking at about $200 for the system.
  12. Welcome to AA. :welcome: Please do make a proper advert for the koi in the classifieds section and post an asking price ($300 is probably fair for all 6 unless they are particularly nice) as per the forum rules.
  13. Welcome to the forum. :welcome:
  14. Gold and Aquagiant are about the cheapest, but I would advise that you shop aroiund and look at the rock in various shops...cheap is not always best, or even good.
  15. Toirtis


    Welcome to AA! :welcome:
  16. This sounds like a commercial post (and a bit shady at that), which is strictly prohibited unless you are a sponsor.
  17. Not a lot...I have kept them myself years ago, and just kept them in a 'pond' aquarium, with a sponge filter, mostly natural lighting, etc....lived almost a year, as I recall.
  18. I have had several customers in at the shop that are keeping these: http://www.royalalbertamuseum.ca/natural/i...aq/waterbug.htm As for the 'spruce bugs', I am wondering if you migh be talking about the box elder bugs which are often called 'maple bugs' around here: http://www.royalalbertamuseum.ca/natural/i...sfaq/boxeld.htm
  19. They will eat most meaty things, including crickets, mealworms, etc, and usually frozen foods.
  20. I concur...replanting them in larger pots (at least 6" deep for swords) filled with laterite, flourite, or aquatic soil covered with gravel would make a big difference. I agree... a pair of HO T5s would also make for a world of difference. That being said, running plants in a bare-bottomed discus tank is always going to be a bit of a challenge.
  21. Sadly, there may be no savings...with oil hitting $90+ a barrel, shipping and manufacturing cost increases will likely wipe out any savings the strong loonie would have given us.
  22. Welcome to the board. I mostly keep anything weird and/or ugly.
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