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Well- since I have been captivated by this site for the past 3 days, I thought I should at least say hello and introduce myself. :D

My name is Austin- and I am a recent addict into the world of fish. My wife and I inherited a 25 gal. tank in September from friends who moved from Calgary to PEI and couldn't take the tank with them. It had a male Pearl Gourami (3") 1 neon tetra 3 other tetras (a kind that I do not know) and a HUGE pleco. The neon did not make the tank move- but everyone else survived. We added a female Pearl Gourami and 3 fancy guppies to the tank. I cant believe how fast the little girl gourmi has grown, she started out about an inch and is now about the same size as the male.

Now that we are tank owners, I have been doing my research and it seems as though the Pleco has outgrown this tank. I think he is around 7-8", and he just does not have the space to be very active. So he lays in a tunnel we have built out of rock in the center of the tank most of the day, or stays hung on the wall next to the heater-but other than that, we hardly ever see him move around much. So because of Mr. Pleco- I joined this group and am currently searching for a larger tank that will support him and our growing family :thumbs:

I was so glad to find this group. This is my first tank ever and I couldn't believe how I was suddenly becoming quite the addict......this group made me realize that I am defintely NOT ALONE!! :)

Anyway- I look forward to becoming an active member here and welcome PMs, advice, or general chats with any of you.


Crossfield AB

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Welcome to the site! You should check out the water cooler there is a group session and a known pusher list

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