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:boom: OMFG :boom:

That's the best I can do to emulate my feelings right now. I understand the need to make sure that the buyers of fish stock have adequate tanks for the fish, but to be denied the purchase of a fish beacause the employess does not know :cuss: about the fish, is just plain wrong!

I went to an lfs today, the closest one to me, I only go there out of convenience (I put that lightly, their prices are ridiculous) because it is close. My buddy told me they had some Loaches I might want for my Loach Community, I had a look, positively IDed as Schistura sp. (tough to get exact with these guys). Well that :cuss: idiot tells me that they grow to be 8" long and require a heated tank!!! They are hillstream loaches that grow to be 2.5"!!!! They require NO heating and STRONG water current and they DON'T reach 8"!!

Furthermore, when I wanted to buy another Weather Loach to keep my current one company, she says they get quite large (granted, they do no doubt), and she said they also require heating, can go without, but they won't "thrive". Well I think she's got it backwards a wee bit hehe.

Anyways, I just had to vent my anger a bit, has anyone else had this happen to them?

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Why don't you take some literature to this person and educate her. It would seem that her intentions are well meant although misinformed.

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DO they have fish books at this store? I would have taken one and shown her the profiles.

Next time you visit there I just wouldnt' bother talking to the staff. Ask for what you want and leave. Its too bad some stores have such a lack of knowledge. You'd think they woud know about what they sell.

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Yeah, I think they get a lot of people who specialize in one pet, or if in fish, one group of fish. Which is too bad, but if you aren't interested, it's not exactly like the manager can make you interested, so there's no real solution I don't think. Maybe they should just get a list of trusted customers and trust them to know about the fish they are about to purchase, seems fair to me.

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When I first started to keep fish I was told that german rams would be extremely agressive toward any fish smaller than it, so of coarse I really wanted them and I had the wrong info. If I wasn't told that crap I would have had them by now.

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I haven't had a refusal to purchase fish before, but I have had to point out facts regarding mystery snails and tried to explain that the recommended meds I was offered was in fact uneffective to a LFS.

One sales rep was very interested to learn if my facts regarding mystery snails was correct, and he did find my information to be exactly what I said... we can't know everything, i am way not one to judge... I have tons to learn!

But in the same store, different sales rep, I tried to explain the difference, she looked at me like I was on glue... oh well! She didn't even want to try to find out the facts.

On another occassion, trying to find meds for camellanus, I was referred to purchase meds, that were in fact uneffective for camellanus, but great for many other things. I looked the products up from the Manufacturer and it stated on their site, these DO NOT CURE CAMELLANUS.. I had phoned the LFS that told me it was, to inform them this information was incorrect that it does not help keep in mind this meds cost 40 bucks, not exactly cheap!!

The gentleman on the other end, said no This medication will work for camellanus, that I was giving the correct information and basically told to that I am not as informed as they are and I can try different stuff but thats up to me. I thought humm.. why so rude, I am trying to find the products I need, he told me basically that there is nothing else that will help nor did he want to see if he had something else.

I found he was rude not helpful... but I am not cutting down that LFS, as some of the employee's were extremely helpful and knowledgable, but others were not. I know who is and who isn't I will not approach the ones I had previously had problems with. I will seek only those who are helpful and knowledgable or wants to be informed if there is a discussion on differences.

So, all you employees of LFS be helpful, maybe the customer is seriously trying to be helpful they do, do research if they are uninformed fine, inform them but don't doubt they have looked up the information before coming to your assistance, listen and be respectful.. cause they just might not come again.

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I can understand your frustration as I've been in your shoes before. Many LFS employees are generally disinterested or just uninformed. I usually just chalk it up to the economy. It's hard to get good help these days etc... I try to keep in mind that some of these employees just applied at this store and got a job. Many of them are just there collecting a cheque and learning a thing or two while they're at it. There are stores that have knowledgeable staff but I've run into the same issues you had with your unmentioned store. Some of the employees just have a tendency to be condescending in the way they deal with their clientele. It's unfortunate but if the store found these people to be a problem then I suppose they wouldn't be there any longer.

After awhile, I just stopped shopping in those stores. I have my short list of favourite stores (a very short list ~Henry's) and I keep on the lookout for bargains and sales.

Edited by BooUrns!
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It might be partialy due to your age as well Taylor. Some people think that if you are young you are inexperienced, and don't know anything about the hobby.

Edited by Sam Chicklets
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Yeah Nick I thought about that too, it seems like that could be a determining factor as even the guys that are shopping for goldfish for there kid's tank don't get asked any questions, lol who's more experienced? It just makes me mad because I have always looked at employees as a service to the customer, not the otehr way around.

I also have my list of lfs, bad, mediocre, excellent. And then there are still those that are at the other end of Edmonton that I may never see lol.

Thanks for sharing the stories and ideas,


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It's also that we all specialize in very small niches of the animal kingdom/ hobby. I called a vet here in Red Deer, and aksed the secretary if they carried metrinadazole, which I was going to soak pellets in to treat bloat in some Africans. She put me on hold, and I immediately had a vet on the phone asking me why I was looking for this, and explaining that they don't usually sell it to the general public. Told her what I was doing, she asked me where I received the information on the technique from, asked how it worked, told me she had never heard of it but it made sense to her, and said come on in and get it.

Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.

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As for the "age" issue I had the opposite happen, I had this kid (prob 14_) to work with to find what I needed. He had just purchased one of the store's 200 gal. tanks on a take it monthly off my check plan. He was so rude to me . I was my usually friendly chatty self , asked him questions like "what kind of fish do you keep?" The little poop's response was "africans but you wouldn't know anything about those anyway" I think Tom had to deal with him once too ,I'm kinda surprised the little poop was able to walk away unharmed lol.

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Thanks , The stores are no longer , they were bought out and I didn't specify a location . I will be more careful.

No problem, Just didnt' want more people posting about specific stores and getting this thread closed. I think people can post their experiences without naming the stores. We all can pretty much guess what stores they are talking about anyways ;)

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