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Can fish inter-breed?


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I wouldnt breed a bro and sis together, if your not worried about what comes out of them then no big deal. if I want to breed specific fish I make sure they come from different sources. I do have bros and sis's in the same tank if they breed no big deal they are not my prize specimens. I would be careful though dependent apon the fish different things can happen. Some if not most come out with a weak immune system and others come out with deformities. for example I have an immaculate pair of ornate rainbows but they are brother and sister from different hatches. when they spawned some fry grew up to have no dorsal fin others finally developed curved spines when they were juveniles.

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I guess just look at it this way, since many animals are probably typically the same. If you bred with your brother or sister, are there not higher chances that baby will have some type of deformities, the chances are fairly high for this. (yes it's a bit disturbing to say lol) So would animals not be the same as humans? I would think though with some species of animals it is ok to interbreed, but more so with wild caught animals than domestic raised.

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I have 2 sets of 3 Electric yellows from different sources so I don't know which is male or female or Brother or Sister but the colouring on all of them is great and i'm pretty suure one set is F3 and the other i Know is F2 so i'm not worried right now but i'll be sure the babies go to a good home and not back in my tank to breed with theirs Parents and aunt and uncles. Don't worry so much right now.

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I have a clown loach that wants to get it on with a red tailed black shark and a tetra that's interested in any fish!! Does that count?? LOL

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I have a clown loach that wants to get it on with a red tailed black shark and a tetra that's interested in any fish!! Does that count?? LOL

I have the same problem in some of my tanks...even when they have a suitable mate, they still seem to go for a different breed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

LOL...well that answers my post about "Possible??" sort of, just because they are different breeds guess they can still fall in love :wub:

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  • 1 month later...
We have a breeding pair of Red Devils and have kept two fish from their first set of fry, we think that one is male and one female and were wondering the same. If they mate will it cause deformities or health issues. good to know it doesnt


Sometimes it will sometimes it won't. If they haven't been badly inter-bred from the beginning I am sure there won't be any deformities happening. You mostly find deformities in many livebearers due to such bad interbreeding going on. Guppies are really bad for this, and their life spans tend to not be as long because of this. Either get them from a private breeder, or when buying males and females, just make sure to get them from different sources or tanks.

If you were to breed the siblings, then breed their offspring, and breed the offsprings offspring etc, then you might start to see deformities or health issues happening. Usually you will want to get another mate from another source after breeding down the line a bit, this helps keep the strains more pure and free from health problems/deformities.

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  • 3 months later...
LOL...well that answers my post about "Possible??" sort of, just because they are different breeds guess they can still fall in love :wub:

Put one of my mollies into a breeding trap last night and the tetra wouldn't leave her alone. He must think he's the dad. Meanwhile a male molly was trying to mate with the tetra. I have some really confused fish(who take after their owner!!).

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  • 2 weeks later...
Ok, this may be a silly question to most of you, but is it OK to have a brother and sister fish mate? Wouldn't that cause deformations and things like that? The question came up while the wife and I were talking about Cockatiels she's thinking about getting. Does anyone know if that is an issue with them? I know, I know, a Cockatiel isn't a fish but someone here might know. Anyway, I'm more interested in the fish part of the question.

I have actually been wondering that myself. I have a female salvini and a male texan that seem to be rather 'friendly'. I guess the consensus is wait and see? :eh:

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