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Hello AlbertaAquatica Members,

Fellow Calgarian here with some basic questions. I've owned many, and I mean many fish tanks, but only ventured into the planted side twice, and both times with no success (Amazon Swords). So here's a list of stuff I'm going to buy, to get back into the hobby, and would like your opinion on these items, remove, or buy a certain item. Any help would be appreciated.

Tank - Currently looking for a 27 or 30G CUBE Aquarium (looking on local listings)

Filter - No clue, I saw a FX6 on Kijiji for $265 and want to pull the trigger on it.

Lighting - (Still in the works as the final tank size hasn't been determined)

2x Finnex Planted+ 24/7 Automated lighting (I would like to get into high-light requirement plants, if only one is needed let me know).

Substrate -

Base - 2 bags of Eco complete Planted Aquarium

Top layer - Caribsea Super Naturals 50LBS Tahitan Moon (I know 50LBS is too much, but I want to heavily aquascape.)

Heater - Hydor 50-75W Substrate Heater (Don't want a visible heater in the tank)

CO2 - No clue yet, would like to stay away from it, but if someone can help me find a kit adequte of growing some nice plants that'd be great.

Driftwood - I've been on the hunt looking for branches, and stumps but can't find a single store that will ship to Canada (or get past customs (GOD DAMNIT!!!)...) for my aquascape.

Rocks - Looking for some slate rocks to make a "hill" side effect.

Plants -

Only plant I know I would like right now is Java moss to start creating "wheeping" trees and "grassy" hills.

If you can help me with this, tell me what you think, any suggestions would be GREATLY appericated.


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Tank - get the biggest you can afford and have space for... we always end up going bigger :)

Filter - an FX6 will blow a 30gallon away! While that's a decent price for the filter, I wouldn't use it on tanks smaller than 90gal - it's just too much IMO. That being said, canister filters are my preferred method of filtering planted tanks.

Lighting - If you're going to go high light (and I love Finnex!), then you'll want CO2 BEFORE you get carried away on lighting... more below.

Substrate - expensive substrates seem to have made a big come back lately. Back in the early 90s I was all about Flourite and Eco Complete to make sure I could grow plants. Then I read a lot of Tom Barr's experiences and dropped the expensive substrates for ever. I've grown just about everything in plain old PlaySand. I'll add a fert tab near heavy root feeders like swords, Crypts, lotus, etc.

Heater - warm the water for the fish you plan to keep, not for the plants - the plants will be fine w/o extra heat. Substrate or inline heaters are great to keep things from site. I've also hidden heaters by using black Aqueon heaters and painting the back black - can only see the heater when the light is on (and that's hidden by turning it to the back!)

CO2 - Carbon is the MOST NECESSARY nutrient for plants - it's what they use to build their cell structure. If you're not going CO2, then you'll need to supplement carbon somehow - lots of us use Excel or Metricide 14 (same active ingredient as Excel, except 2x more potent and about 1/3 the cost). The rub with this stuff is that some plants are sensitive to it (Valisneria, Riccia, some mosses), but it's a great algaecide... tho, if your plants are growing and healthy, you won't see much algae. IMO, save yourself the expense of high-priced substrate and invest that money into a pressurized CO2 system. Welding suppliers (Praxair, OxyPro, etc), online and/or LFS will have everything you need (bottle, reg, needle valve... bubble counter, if you like), shop around for best pricing.

Plants - keep an eye on this and other aquarium forums, you'll get the best deals from fellow hobbyists. There are many different kinds of mosses available that grow in different ways (ie. Christmas moss grows down in the shape of a Christmas tree, Flame moss grows up in a flame-shape, etc). Do a little research on how you want your trees to look in the end. :)

You missed something....

FERTILIZER - if you want your plants to grow, you'll have to feed them; if you don't, you'll end up growing a lot of algae and getting frustrated. Dry ferts from a hydroponics store/online are the cheapest way to go, but you can get everything you need in bottles at the LFS. I use the Estimative Index method of fertilizing - it's the easiest for me - but, there are many ways to get a lush jungle. Do a little research to figure out what's going to work best for you.


Driftwood - Check the river valley and woodland parks for driftwood if you're not finding what you want in stores/online. If you don't have a pot big enough to boil it for a few minutes, put it in a big tote and add a tonne of salt and let it soak for a week. If it's dry when you find it, it'll likely soak for a while (sometimes forever). There are a lots of DIY ways to make it sink, so ask around if you're looking for help. Up here in Edmonton, there's someone on a local FB Buy/Sell group selling a tonne of driftwood - maybe there's someone in Calgary doing the same. Check Kijiji, FaceBook, etc.

Rocks - hit up the landscape stores (that's where the LFS get their rocks from!). You'll find anything you can think of - slate and granite are great for building walls/hills. If you want more color, use fieldstone. If you have access to Muriatic acid (available at pool supply stores), take a bit along with you and put a few drops on the rocks you're looking at. If it bubbles, the rock will (slowly) dissolve in your tank and increase the hardness of your water. Vinegar works, too, but not as well.

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I have an add in Kijijin from calgary for lots of plants with lots of photos showing my tanks take alook some got 1st place and second in club show home competition .Only use t-8 4ft 6500k from homedepot .No Co2 and a little ferts once in awhile and use play sand from home depot plant roots grow fast in it.Or sand of any kind thats safe darker the better.my plecos breed ,rainbows breed ,rainbow cichlids breed cryptos breed all in a community tank of 70 gallons a 4ft tank.chnge water once a week.

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Hi, first off welcome to the planty world!! We need more plant people. I do have a comment though. It looks like the only plant you want so far is java moss which doesn't need lots of high tech equipment. Do some more research(and not just in the forums) and read some plant books too before you go spending large sums of money. Growing plants is like riding a bicycle. We all started out on trikes and then progressed. A planted tank can be as simple or as difficult as you would like.. Good luck!!

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Hi, first off welcome to the planty world!! We need more plant people. I do have a comment though. It looks like the only plant you want so far is java moss which doesn't need lots of high tech equipment. Do some more research(and not just in the forums) and read some plant books too before you go spending large sums of money. Growing plants is like riding a bicycle. We all started out on trikes and then progressed. A planted tank can be as simple or as difficult as you would like.. Good luck!!

Hello! - I'm looking at Java moss right now just to get some Grassy hills and "Creeping" trees started, I have my eye on a few other plants.

I have an add in Kijijin from calgary for lots of plants with lots of photos showing my tanks take alook some got 1st place and second in club show home competition .Only use t-8 4ft 6500k from homedepot .No Co2 and a little ferts once in awhile and use play sand from home depot plant roots grow fast in it.Or sand of any kind thats safe darker the better.my plecos breed ,rainbows breed ,rainbow cichlids breed cryptos breed all in a community tank of 70 gallons a 4ft tank.chnge water once a week.

Can you send me a link?

Tank - get the biggest you can afford and have space for... we always end up going bigger :)

Filter - an FX6 will blow a 30gallon away! While that's a decent price for the filter, I wouldn't use it on tanks smaller than 90gal - it's just too much IMO. That being said, canister filters are my preferred method of filtering planted tanks.

Lighting - If you're going to go high light (and I love Finnex!), then you'll want CO2 BEFORE you get carried away on lighting... more below.

Substrate - expensive substrates seem to have made a big come back lately. Back in the early 90s I was all about Flourite and Eco Complete to make sure I could grow plants. Then I read a lot of Tom Barr's experiences and dropped the expensive substrates for ever. I've grown just about everything in plain old PlaySand. I'll add a fert tab near heavy root feeders like swords, Crypts, lotus, etc.

Heater - warm the water for the fish you plan to keep, not for the plants - the plants will be fine w/o extra heat. Substrate or inline heaters are great to keep things from site. I've also hidden heaters by using black Aqueon heaters and painting the back black - can only see the heater when the light is on (and that's hidden by turning it to the back!)

CO2 - Carbon is the MOST NECESSARY nutrient for plants - it's what they use to build their cell structure. If you're not going CO2, then you'll need to supplement carbon somehow - lots of us use Excel or Metricide 14 (same active ingredient as Excel, except 2x more potent and about 1/3 the cost). The rub with this stuff is that some plants are sensitive to it (Valisneria, Riccia, some mosses), but it's a great algaecide... tho, if your plants are growing and healthy, you won't see much algae. IMO, save yourself the expense of high-priced substrate and invest that money into a pressurized CO2 system. Welding suppliers (Praxair, OxyPro, etc), online and/or LFS will have everything you need (bottle, reg, needle valve... bubble counter, if you like), shop around for best pricing.

Plants - keep an eye on this and other aquarium forums, you'll get the best deals from fellow hobbyists. There are many different kinds of mosses available that grow in different ways (ie. Christmas moss grows down in the shape of a Christmas tree, Flame moss grows up in a flame-shape, etc). Do a little research on how you want your trees to look in the end. :)

You missed something....

FERTILIZER - if you want your plants to grow, you'll have to feed them; if you don't, you'll end up growing a lot of algae and getting frustrated. Dry ferts from a hydroponics store/online are the cheapest way to go, but you can get everything you need in bottles at the LFS. I use the Estimative Index method of fertilizing - it's the easiest for me - but, there are many ways to get a lush jungle. Do a little research to figure out what's going to work best for you.


Driftwood - Check the river valley and woodland parks for driftwood if you're not finding what you want in stores/online. If you don't have a pot big enough to boil it for a few minutes, put it in a big tote and add a tonne of salt and let it soak for a week. If it's dry when you find it, it'll likely soak for a while (sometimes forever). There are a lots of DIY ways to make it sink, so ask around if you're looking for help. Up here in Edmonton, there's someone on a local FB Buy/Sell group selling a tonne of driftwood - maybe there's someone in Calgary doing the same. Check Kijiji, FaceBook, etc.

Rocks - hit up the landscape stores (that's where the LFS get their rocks from!). You'll find anything you can think of - slate and granite are great for building walls/hills. If you want more color, use fieldstone. If you have access to Muriatic acid (available at pool supply stores), take a bit along with you and put a few drops on the rocks you're looking at. If it bubbles, the rock will (slowly) dissolve in your tank and increase the hardness of your water. Vinegar works, too, but not as well.

Didn't think about going to a landscaping store for rocks ..

I just wanted to stay away from CO2 as the equipment is really expensive ($299+ for a basic set), and not very much rivers around this part of Calgary that would allow me to take some from.

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Fyi, the Calgary Aquarium Society is a great way to get started. We have monthly mini auctions with great prices as well as the big auctions semi annually (next one October 18th). As well you get discounts at the local stores(Pisces, Riverfront, Big Als) and can borrow books from our library. Good place to get locally grown plants as well as equipment, and aquascaping supplies. End commercial...

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A few months ago I was a planted tank Newbie. This forum definately pointed me in all the right directions.

I found my drift wood on Amazon.ca. I really like the Malaysian drift wood and have great success with it in my planted tanks.

I tried to get a finnex, but they wouldn't ship to Canada. I ended up getting a quad T5HO from AquaTraders. It's been good for far.

I did run CO2 for a while and my plants went bezzerk! ( I did up a DIY jobbie) love it. I do use EXCEL now and I do have Eco Complete substrate.

I have a HOT filter that I really love and seems to do the trick. My tank is very slightly stocked (which is a good thing because I am going thru a worm issue with my wild caught ram)

What's worked for me so far is I have been sticking to the easy to medium requirement plants (since I don't have real CO2) and watching what grows and what doesn't. My swords are growing nuts in my krib tank under an LED from Aqueon.

Good luck and have fun. I almost am loving plants more then the fish :)

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