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Cichlids and planted tanks


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Ok so like the title says, What kind of cichlid can I pick up for my 90 gallon planted tank?????

I want some that are blue, yellow, red and maybe purple. I'm not concerned if they are bred locally or what generation they are, as long as they are healthy, and nicely colored.

But they have to be plant friendly, and the other thing, I don't want them to get too big. I want only about 15 to 20 medium sized fish. So nothing that will get bigger then 3 inches.

I plan on removing my other community fish, and only keeping my rope fish, eel, clown loaches and pleco.

I do have a sand bottom about 3 to 4 inches deep. And the plants are well rooted, so I'm not worried about the cichlids tossing the sand around.

So if some one can post some names of fish that will fit, so I can do some research, that would be great.

Thank you


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Best bet with a tank like that would be cichlids that prefer to stay somewhat above the substrate/bottom. I'd think that Apisto's would be a great match, though you're definitely not going to have the vibrant colours associated with Malawians. The type of plants you have would have an impact on the cichlids I'd recommend. I've never had any troubles with Crypts, swords, and vals in with any Malawians or Tangs. But if you do have some softer plants (most likely faster growing), then I'd probably stay away from most mbuna, and stick with cichlids that spend more time in the open foraging, such as peacocks and Haps (think Copadichromis). For mbuna, almost any Labidochromis species should be ok (much less tendency to eat plants) as well as Ps. acei.

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Well for plants its Vals, Alternanthera, Water wisteria. I was thinking of pike cichlids, Banded Apisto (Apistogramma bitaeniata), Red Empress (Protomelas taeniolatus), and Pices had electric yellow, and some very nice little blue ones, I cant recall the names at the moment of the blue one's. I will have to stop by tomorow and ask. I like the look of the pike cichlids. And the look of a nice high top fin. They sort of looked like these Copadichromis and these Labidochromis. But were all blue.

Edited by lukep77
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I'd becareful about adding malawis to a planted tank. I have never had good success with it. I have haps, yellow labs and acei and everytime i add plants they are eaten down to the stem within a matter of days. I've tried tons of different plants, from javafern and anubias to crypts and vals, but each time they are eaten.

So just know that if you add malawis to your tank they could be fine or they could destroy all the plants

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OK so the pike's are out, get too big and too agresive with each other.

There are dwarf Pikes that only get about 6" or so. But, they are still quite agressive. You could go with any of the Apistogramma sp. and/or Kribs (Pelvicachromis sp.) These dwarf cichlids stay toward the bottom 1/3 of the tank, and would appreciate some mid/upper water fish as well. Tetras & barbs will predate their fry, tho.


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I put all different kinds of plants in my cichlids tanks. and they do fine. None of them get eaten.. I think the key is to put lots in at one time..

I wish i could keep plants in my malawi tank. I guess my fish are wierd :boxed: I've tried planting lots at one time and they still end up killing/eating them. I guess i'm stuck wtih plastic :(

Just letting him know that it could happen.

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I have Temple plant and Rotala in my cichlid tanks and all do very well. Java fern, as well. I tried some other plants that had a 'grass' style leaf and they would be eaten instantly but the thicker leaves of the Temple and JF deter munching and Rotala must just taste bad ;)

I have success with yellow labs, Aceis, L. ocellatus and recently lithobates... all interesting and colourful fish in their own way, and all but the labs are serious diggers. The root system of a well planted Temple plant will never allow it to budge... I have one now where it has a square foot of sand claimed as it's own all around the plant and roots grow up through the sand it's so rooted. There is no way the fish could move that much sand to uncover it.

Temple's grow quite bushy and provide great cover for the more timid species, without loading the tank with rock, too... my labs are constantly darting around the leaves playing their own game of tag.

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What about green terrors, would they eat plants???

They're pretty big diggers - especially when spawning. And, when they get big, they'd probably even relocate Tanker's Temple plants!

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OK so after reading and researching I have come to the conclusion that I will have to pass on the cichlids. I love my plants and after all the obsessing I really don't want to lose them. So I will have to look for some thing a bit more friendly for the plants. Thanks for all the replies.


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There are cichlids that will work with plants. Africans(malawis) and big CA cichlids aren't the best choices but there are some cichlids that do great in planted tanks. I have kept angelfish and rams in planted tanks without any problems. They might not have the same vibrant colors as africans but they'd work well in your tank. With plants you need to find something that won't eat them or dig them up but that doesn't mean you have to rule out cichlids all together.

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I've always kept my cichlids in with plants. None of the types of cichlids I've kept over the years have caused any problems to the plants.

Plants that I typically keep -> Aponogeton crispus, Aponotgeton undulatus, Anubias nana var., Anubias hastifolia, Anubias barteri, Cryptocorne balansae, Cryptocorne wendtii, Cryptocorne willissi, Cryptocoryne aponogetifolia, Cryptocoryne parva, Brazilian Swords, Giant Vallisneria, Hygro, Dwarf "Swords", Java fern and a few others I've probably forgotten.

The keys seem to be actually having enough plants. One or two plants are a curiousity, a fully planted tank seems to be fine.

Here are some pictures, and then some links (to save the dialup folks),









Edited by Fogelhund
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