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Everything posted by corrosionjerry

  1. To make it in a smaller town you would have to diversify into another nice.... perhaps food for other pets... grooming.... perhaps organic food for Humans and animals ... Who knows what would work! Its entirely up to the individuals likes or dislikes... But it can work if you want it to..
  2. I didnt know shrimp would survive in a tank with a bettas neons or barbs... Good job on the tank
  3. Thats so funny.. glad I made that spelling error!
  4. It deffinetly looks like this species should be housed in its own big honker of a tank.. I have noticed that behavior has changed with many of the fish I have kept in large guantiee's, the most dramatic was yo yo loaches... If you only keep 1-2 they are shy and sit around.. I now have a school of 5 of them and now they are real characters and show a lot of personality and are fun to watch.. I think I will stay away from crypts for the time being until I talk my wife into another large aquarium.
  5. I was thinking about putting them in a 20 gallon planted... I will do some research thanks for the heads up on them.. If they are non aggresive perhaps they would fit in with my taiwan reefs (Haps) in my 90...
  6. Are crypts part of the Pike family? Nice looking fish.. I see there is a guy from BC that sells them on the livestock section that look nice... I would share the cost of shipping if anyone wants to purchase some from him.. PM if you would like to do it..
  7. I am looking for some floating plant suggestions.... I have Riccia but I find it a little messy ... I want something that is easy to control Any suggestions ?
  8. Cannon optical lenses are amongst the best you can get....
  9. Java Moss is my personal favourite... Its easy to grow, attaches well to wood and the fish love it... and it looks great if it is looked after
  10. I purchased the rainbows from her.... I was leary about taking the Angel as I have a large Marble that has been single for three years... Angels sometimes fight if they wind up being the same sex... best in groups of 1or3 or great... Looking at that picture I wish I would of taken it now... Nice picture and fish...
  11. I think you should just jump in with both feet and open a store and buy from other breeders , breed your own and sell other pet supplies as well... whatever and make a go of it... This is Alberta land of opportunity.. Nothing ventured nothing gained is my motto.... Good Luck
  12. I think they make 404's to make peoples brains more active....never a dull minute wih those filters
  13. Has anyone tried putting sponge on a Penquin Bio Wheel filter...
  14. Glad I read this ... good alternative to regular sponge filters... I have had trouble in my tank that has brig snails in it with an HOB filter... the snails occasionaly like to go on the intake end and wind up being stuck on it and die... I will give the A/C sponge method a go. I am surprised that enough water gets through the sponge to adequetly feed the HOB...
  15. I have three different co2 setups... I use a bubble defuser on one .... bubble counter ladder on another .... and marbles in container in another.... All seem to work as good ways to feed the co2 into the tank...
  16. good tips there vic...Thanks I have been using bakers yeast and I have found that it is only lasting about 2 weeks in my Hagen setup.. I add about a quarter of a teaspoon of Baking soda... I wonder why my diy co2 doesnt last as long as others... interesting but at 2 weeks it still is a way cheaper then purchasing the companies 3 little packs for 8-9 bucks...Robbery
  17. Has anyone else tried brewers yeast and is it better then baking yeast... Where can it be purchased.. Thanks
  18. I had the staghorn problems a while back ... I eventualy ripped out all the infected plants and started all over... I made sure that there was enough light and more plants then I originally had, I also started co2 and fertilizer... since then I have had no problems with that kind of algae at all.
  19. Could it be that they were stressed by the move... Change in water quality perhaps...
  20. It is amazing what the right fertilizer and co2 and light will do... I planted a few stems of Hydrophilia a couple of days ago in to one of my tanks and 4 days latter the stems and leaves were at the top of the aquarium..
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