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Calgary & Area Member
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Everything posted by FishBrain

  1. Is there a place in town that we can get tadpoles?
  2. Well Milan, I called and it sounds like you were not supposed to get the lab number. ooops Any way they told me that the hardness is really only affected by weather, but because of the coagulant that is put into the water along with the chlorine it has caused the PH to drop dramatically. She also said that the PH averages around 7.2 for the city. They have lowered the amount of coagulant that is being put into the water because things are getting better in quality, so the PH should start coming back up now. Here is a little blurb on the chemical so people understand why it is put in the water, especially after all the rain and flooding. Coagulants & Flocculants... WST coagulants and flocculants are formulated to assist in the solids/liquid separation of suspended particles in solution. Such particles are characteristically very small and the suspended stability of such particles (colloidal complex) is due to both their small size and to the electrical charge between particles. Conditioning a solution to promote the removal of suspended particles requires chemical coagulation and/or flocculation. Coagulants neutralize the repulsive electrical charges (typically negative) surrounding particles allowing them to "stick together" creating clumps or flocs. Flocculants facilitate the agglomeration or aggregation of the coagulated particles to form larger floccules and thereby hasten gravitational settling. Some coagulants serve a dual purpose of both coagulation and flocculation in that they create large flocs that readily settle.
  3. You can try frozen baby brine shrimp. Some people put it into a dropper to place it right in front of the fry. There is also cyclops eeze but hard to find. :ml:
  4. Awesome, I think this willbe one of the most used topics.. :beer: :ml:
  5. Yep you are wierd!! -roll- Just kidding, we have a black moore named "Dumbo" A betta named "Sparky" 2 African Dwarf Frogs "Prince and Princess" and a little Angel "Lucky"--Got its name from being found in an AC500 after being gone for 3 months or so Haven't named the others....yet? :ml:
  6. I have never used a chemical except for aquarium salt to steralize anything for the tanks. I use the ole HOT water and salt mix. Usually over night and then do a clean HOT rinse, then let soak over night in clean hot water, then a final rinse and they are good to go. I know it may be a little over doing it but never had a problem before!! :ml:
  7. The new fish will consist of Aulo. SP. (Lwanda) pair-maybe an extra female? Some Dafodil brichardi- possibly And I am still undecided as to who else will go in. lol hard descision!!!! -roll- :ml:
  8. It wasn't that hard to setup. Thank goodness :beer: I worked on it most of the night being a night owl and all. Going to toss a couple blue things in there so they can help the cycle period before I feed them to the turtle aswell. I'll probably end up changing things around before I put the real keepers in there, but this is how its gonna stay at least until then! :ml:
  9. Here is a pick of my new 45G setup that I bought from finaddict. Very happy with the setup, ended up using an AC500 on the back and put the AC300 that came with it on the 33G I have. Cycling it now using seeded filter and about 25% pre-cycled water, and some turtle food (Convicts). http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v245/Canadbis/PICT0793.jpg Now i just get to watch the levels wait! :ml:
  10. Toirtis seems to be pretty good on those answers. you can try him.
  11. Yes I believe there is a water ban on right now. to much water for the treatment plant to handle right now. they are telling us not to water anything and to please try to lower house water use if you think of the chemicals that are gong into the water to try and straighten it out right now, there must be a ton going into it. I wouldn't chance it right now. IMO :ml:
  12. How does the Silica sand Blasting sand colour look for you? I believe you can get it at Rona
  13. She has now spit and I cant count the amount of babies yet. They are hiding all over the place so I have to wait till they are swimming around a little more. Lots tho. She (yellow) had 17 last time which was the first for me, so I am really curious for the number this time.
  14. My only concern is that she is REALLY skinny. Should I strip her or let nature take its course? :ml:
  15. I have my babies hatch in a well established tank and they always seem to find lots to eat until they are big enough to eat the NLS Growth formula 0.3mm (I think the size is) Is cyclops eese that good?
  16. This is a very cool thing that I have noticed overnight. I had a yellow and baenschi holding, so I moved them into a little 10G to spit. Well the baenschi spit, so after a few hours and watching her eat I moved her back into "home". Well this morning I noticed that the yellows mouth was REALLY stuffed and after further inspection I noticed that she was scooping up all of the baenschi babies!! I managed to find one yellw swimming around so that may be why she started scooping the others. So far I can count 5 baenschis and 1 yellow that manage to be evading her. Never saw this before so I thought I would share with you all Thanks :ml:
  17. Incase somebody heard but didnt read the article in todays Sun. here you go
  18. I have 11" between the top of my tank and the bottom of the upper shelf. It is a fourteer shelf and I use the top two shelves for tanks LOL wooden shelf from Zellers there is even one with the bottom two shelves that are a little bit wider :ml:
  19. What do the shaerks look like? and size? My two are about 7 inches and both look Quite different. One is shaped like a torpedo and the other has more of a barrel chest on it. I find that once in a while they will shiver and shake and butt up against each other. but nothing has come of it. I have to agree with Africa_Fever thats its for dominance, if you have your friend watch them after they are finished one of them will be a little more agressive with the other until they stop and you will then see the loser staying out of the way of the winner!! lol
  20. Welcome to AA Have a beer lol That is pretty cool. Maquarium. hahahahahaha I to am interested in the make of it. feel free to post it in the DIY section It does seem to be the perfect size and the guts of the computer i think will handle the weight. Cant wait to see your other posts on it :ml:
  21. I dont think it was the oscar. mine would beat the oscar into the corner and he was way bigger than the cons. MAybe try and get another one. I found that with another male then they will both want her. If you want, I will give you a couple fry that are 1-2 inches big so you can get a happy pair if you want.
  22. Very nice. I cant seem to get mine to stay stable. First one starts dying then when I think that I have it all taken care of another one starts to go
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