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Everything posted by syno321

  1. I'll bet he's not an albino. He's probably so embarassed from you accessorizing him like a Barbie that he's pink from blushing. What's next? Are you going to wrap him in swaddling, put a soother in his mouth, and parade him around in a stroller?
  2. You know it's one thing to play with your Barbies while growing up, but when you start accessorizing innocent bristlenose.... well now you've gone too far. Next thing you know you'll be taking your freshwater Sole to the shoe store.
  3. I'm not sure about the web-site, but you are more than welcome to show up at a meeting and join.
  4. Difficult to identify from the picture provided. Try planetcatfish.
  5. Your growing group will be fine in the 10 for some time to come. Throw a bunch of fast growing plants in there like hornwort, and maintain regular water changes, and I wouldn't be surprised if that 10 could handle 100 Endler's of various sizes.
  6. Try the for sale section of caudata.org
  7. Thanks Neil, your knowledge and passion on this topic are unsurpassed and valued greatly. I purchased some and am in the process of trying them. I will try to remember to update this thread with my percieved results.
  8. I don't know about animal print pants, but I could choose to wear my leopard print thong.....hmmm.....
  9. They are a color variety developed by a gentleman in Germany from C. aeneus "schultzei-type"
  10. Those dwarf Corydoras are pygmaeus not hastatus. This is a very common mistake in the industry chain from wholesalers , to importers, to retailers.
  11. You could stock up to twenty, less if you want some White Clouds as well.
  12. Corydoras hastatus would form a great little mid-water school that would scour all parts of the tank in their search for food. Easy to keep and do not require a heater, room temperature is fine.
  13. This is a definite possibility. Google aquarium cyanobacteria and see if it is this.
  14. I am looking into the smaller species, and with a 180 they should have room, sufficient hiding places, and planted cover to keep a group. The bleheri are beautiful, though I've heard they aren't as active as others and are somewhat pelagic. What was your experience? Just in the planning stages right now, looking at filtration and lighting options for such a tank. O Pelagic? What do you mean by that? They are ambush predators and so are not unusually active. I'm not sure of the species at BAs, ask the fish room manager.
  15. syno321


    He's closed Fridays.
  16. I kept and bred the bleheri in a 20 gal. tank. I think that they are one of the most beautiful tropical species of ornamental fish there is. I'd highly recommend them and I think if you are really interested in some of the "micro" snakeheads, don't be put off by what you hear about the typical larger species. The micro species do not require any live foods and will do well on pellets and larger frozen foods like krill. I think BAs has some stock of a smaller species right now.
  17. I'll leave this to the expert regarding male ovipositors...fishclubgirl, at least in Bettas!
  18. Great pics! I think that the Cory might be C. napoensis
  19. I understand that they are used extensively to help eradicate malaria bearing mosquito populations. I know you have some planted tanks,got any that are decorated in the Amano swamp/bog style rife with mosquito larvae?
  20. What kinds of amphibians do you have?
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