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Everything posted by syno321

  1. I bred them when I first imported them into the country from Germany. The info on Planetcatfish, which includes a breeding article, is very useful.
  2. Green water is totally unneccessary. I dissolve 1 teaspoon of baker's yeast into a 710 ml. used Gatorade bottle and feed as much as they can consume in 12 hours. Of course how much you feed depends on the numbers in the culture. Do not feed again until the water is clear.
  3. Where was your old place? The pressure in the city hydrants is fairly uniform, except if you're down in the river valley where ( I assume because of the elevation difference ) it's quite high.
  4. The only reason I could see not to put them in a community tank is that, especially depending on the other species in the tank, the pencils might not be able to successfully compete for food. As for a planted tank, they should feel right at home there.
  5. Black Skark, Morulius chrysophekadion (Bleeker, 1850)Why are you asking it's value? Thinking of trading it for some beans?
  6. Costco sells a variety box of sorbet where the sorbet comes in halves of the fruit they are made up of. Orange=half orange, lemon=half lemon, coconut=half coconut shell. The coconut shells are potable and ready for use in aquaria. The sorbet is great too!
  7. You are proceeding correctly by trying to lower the water softness using RO water. This will also help to acidify the water when using additives. I prefer Discus Buffer by Seachem as I don't get the pH bounce that you got. Are you lowering the pH to attempt to breed your discus? If not then softening and lowering the pH is NOT necessary to keep discus alive and well. They have bred for me many times in the past in our normal tap water, which is usually a sign of good maintenance. If you are adjusting the water parameters for breeding the adjustments will definitely aid in egg survival and hatching.
  8. I can't think of any snail eggs that look like rainbow eggs, but removing the mop to a hatching tank after a week should result in fry hatching out on a daily basis.
  9. Add to that list: Chilatherina alleni"Siriwo", Glossolepis maculosus. And I'm presently hatching out Melanotaenia macullochi( the real ones). Very much look forward to working with these species.
  10. They almost look like nubilis with the shape of a Matumbi Hunter. Do they have the same metabolism as the Matumbi?
  11. Thanks for the heads up. We'll be beefing up our security at the meeting, so you betta be on your best behaviour! :banned:
  12. Thanks for the info, Ray. IME aged chilled water is not necessary. I have used cold Edmonton tap water when I have had them with great success. The daily rinse is a must,and if followed they should last at least a month in the refridgerator. That is if the warden allows them.
  13. They may try to dine on the Neons. As far as availability, I would try an ad on this site. They are generally not something the LFAs bring in on a regular basis.
  14. Blue Gularis should be fine in the 135, although if you put a pair in watch that the female doesn't get too stressed from the male. Don't try a pair in the 10, you'll end up with just the male.
  15. I agree with your opinion of Hikari krill. Same situation in Edmonton, none. The new fish food regulations have something to do with it.
  16. "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these fish people from their appointed rounds" -at least I hope so
  17. I can't see the lift tubes for the the undergravel?
  18. Just remember that the colors of many fish wash out and get very pale on a light colored bottom. Darker colored substrates tend to make the fish more comfortable and they tend to show their natural colors. As well, the darker substrate will also contrast more with the brighter colored fish that we tend to keep.
  19. Being a yellow lab it seems as though he took the cowardly way out.
  20. I wonder if the assasin caught the shrimp as it was in the process of molting. All inverts that molt are quite vulnerable during the process.
  21. IME anything that can take care of a snail infestation will also take care of the young shrimp, if not the adults.
  22. You may find some at the upcoming A.C.E. auction on Sunday March 20
  23. I'm getting some G. maculosus and some C. alleni. I wouldn't mind trading some of these for some (pair)of the Harlequins.
  24. Could it be the infamous "Thailand" strain? :smokey:
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