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Everything posted by syno321

  1. An ex-president of CAS and a master breeder in her own right, years ago, suggested double dosing with Aquari-sol. I've used it ever since and never had a problem, even with fry of many different species.
  2. Just don't ( scratch...scratch ) let them set up house in your ( scratch...scratch ) scalp!
  3. That would work!! If not, an angel food cake with money hidden in it will suffice :beer: And fill the hole in the middle with water and some fancy betta?
  4. Not necessarily, but extremes should be avoided, like pH 8. Anywhere around neutral or slightly below worked for me.
  5. Use the 10 to breed them in, without the bristlenose.
  6. 80-82 F, They like a small flat stone as a spawning site. I've raised hundreds of German Blues and Golds with the pair in a 5 gal. tank. Some cover in the form of broken pottery and plants, Java moss, Anubias is beneficial.
  7. Do you have any dither fish in the tank? Sometimes this stimulates a stronger pair bond and better parental care of the spawn.
  8. I for one am tired of you baiting for arguments you did it to toirtis and then to Sam Chicklets, and now you are back playing Neil---get a life Will -Neil has something you will never have and that is our respect. Fully agree with you Jorg! These kind of attacks are not what I come to this site to view! I don't know the motivation behind this kind of behaviour and I don't want to know. I'd just like to see this stop. I do advocate free speech but not this kind of attack! :boxed: Neil I know and respect you as well, and I hope this doesn't stop you from adding your valued opinion when you can. :thumbs:
  9. Some thing one must always be aware of when traveling the net' "A little learning is a dangerous thing" Pope, A. 1709
  10. Salt does not kill Corys. It's a well know fact that salt does kill cories as it negatively effects their osmoregulation. Combine that with the already hard water of Alberta and if salt was added to suit the needs of the livebearers, then it would easily kill the cories in a few short weeks by way of blood and kidney poisoniong. And target feeding cories in a livebearer tank is not very hard to do considering cories and livebearer eat from completely opposite zones of the tank. Somebody better tell all those species of Corys that have bred for me, including the C. weitzmani, C. hastatus and Scleromystax barbatus that I'm raising now. As well I've never seen any livebearers I've had eat from the bottom.
  11. Salt does not kill Corys. I have successfully spawned over 25 different species of Corys over the years and have always added salt to all tanks during water changes. Do you feed your catfish specifically? That is, do you feed them when the lights are out so they don't have to compete with the sighted fish for food?
  12. The Anubias genus offers a large variety of low-light very hardy plants. A word of warning about the Adonis pleco, it gets to be very large ( 39.4" ) and will most certainly take it's toll on the plants in your tank. If not by directly consuming them, then simply by uprooting them when it gets to attain it's adult size and moves around the tank. More info on the Adonis pleco can be found at the premier catfish site on the web, planetcatfish.
  13. What size are those rays? Tank dimensions?
  14. I had the chance to view one ( preserved ) at the Smithsonion at the first Catfish convention. Veeeerrrry impressive!
  15. Probably because there is an interested population there. ACE brought in some world class speakers at their last convention and there wasn't much more than a couple of dozen people in the audience to listen and learn. It seems like a real waste.
  16. Are you lowering the pH to try to breed the discus? If not they are fine with the pH you have. If you're still of the inclination to lower the pH, I have tried all the different methods, sometimes with disatrous results, and have found low dosing with a product called Acid Buffer by Seachem to achieve the best results. Low dose in your 90 would be something like 1/2 teaspoon/day until the desired pH is attained.
  17. Looking forward to this year's convention - http://catfish2010.com
  18. Move the rock with them and spread a little gravel on the rock. I'm sure they will simply carry on with their courtship with perhaps a slight delay.
  19. , exodenus cories Those are Corydoras loxozonus
  20. I would give your LFS a call and ask them what they were feeding them. I'm sure Dennis would gladly let you know.
  21. If you're lucky enough to get a pair and they spawn... they get absolutely stunning!
  22. I just got the two. They got along well and then once I started playing with the water parameters, softening and acidifying, they spawned. They have taken excellent care of their fry for the last 2 months. The fry are now able to eat adult frozen brine shrimp and frozen bloodworms.
  23. Do not begin feeding the fry until you see them up and free-swimming as a school!
  24. I really like the microworm suggestions you're getting. They live for almost a week in freshwater and stay alive. Just feed enough so that you can see a little on the bottom daily. Dry foods are quite concentrated sources of nutrient and can spoil quite quickly when not consumed immediately. I also add some snails to my fry tanks as, like most aquarists, we tend to overfeed rather than underfeed fry. This gives a bit of leeway in case of error.
  25. Assuming that your tank is at least 4'long there shouldn't be a problem. To help ensure civility, place your breeding cave that you hope the Kribs will use at one end and cover for the BN at the other.
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