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Everything posted by Frank

  1. I had the same thing happen Mark. Grow out some of the dark ones . Mine turned out really rice and lots of color. Dark bodys and blue heads , Very nice looking fish
  2. Can a guy use the hose they sell for ponds. The black stuff you see in every store??
  3. Check out this site. http://www.miraclelinks.org/results.php?im...ratch%20remover Or the others posted at the bottom of the page under the post. They might help.
  4. I just got my second one last weekend and installed on a 90 gal.. Love it . The only wat to go I think.
  5. Hard to find much info on them. Just goggle them and you will find everything that I have found so far.Busy at work , so I havn,t had much time to look. Hope next week it slows down so I have some more time to search.
  6. Get one you will like it. I just got a 24w internal uv sterilizer about two weeks ago. Installed it in a 75 gal tank and it is great. It treats up to a 106 gal Saltwater or fresh water. Has a flow rate of 120 gal per hr. Let it run a week then cleaned the algae off the glass. No sign of it coming back. And the water is so clear. Love it. Now I just need to win the Lotto so I can add them to all my tanks..lol Makes alot less work . Now it is just a water change and no cleaning algae off the glass. So I say yes to a UV sterilizer :thumbs:
  7. If you are not going to run a sump, just get a piece of 6mm glass and silicone it over the hole. Would be the fastest and cheapest.
  8. Thank you Frank! Oh I have a little 10 gal tank full of about 20 dolphins...from one of the females she spit them, I couldn't save the one's that still had yoke attached to them, but so far all the others are doing fantastic and slowly getting their color... I boiled some egg's and feed them the yoke and I alternate it with spirulina flakes and crushed NLS, trying to ensure they get everything necessary for their diet. The girls are in a 20 gal tank, and settled in nicely... they all come swimming over to me soon as they see me now, looking for food, I wake them up every morning and if they are real sleepy I don't feed them but if I sleep in and they didn't then I will feed them a bit in the morning...All girls made it here and as mentioned a few extra's...hehe... Lana Thats great, Babys already..lol Yes I forgot to tell you she may be holding. Now life as a Dolphin lady begins..lol Have fun with them.
  9. I like your power bar. Nice , but are your breakers going to take taht kind of load. Just asking. Been there up. and had that problem jump
  10. I have had these two for a couple of years. I,m sure I got them at golds. And they were bought as White Calvus. When they settle in there should be lots of white spots on ther sides. Never did ask about the horn , just thought it was cool. when they settle in Kyle please post more pictures. I would like to know the answer also. And like I said before if there is something wrong with them I will take them back.
  11. I run two FX5,s on my 240 gal and not a problem. love them. I have ceramic rings and Bio Carb in the centre and they run good. :thumbs:
  12. They were different sizes when I got them ,About a inch and a inch and a half. And yes they always had the horn. They were being fed frozen brine shrimp. 1mm nls and a bit of veggie flake. Try the shimp , i,m sure they will eat that.
  13. Here is a poor picture of one the fish Klye is talking about. If you look close you can see the horn on his head. Is this caused by his jaws being locked ?? Did not know that it was possible for a fish to get lock jaw. And no this is not the reason I sold them. Some more info on this would be great. And Kyle if there is a problem with them I will take them back. Thanks everyone for your help. I,m sure Kyle will post some better pictures soon.
  14. They are doing great. just don,t ask me to spell there name. LOL They have moved up to the 75 gal now and look to be 2" or a bit. Starting to show some color and always there to meet me at feeding time. Will try to get some pictures soon of them.
  15. He is six inches or more, with really great color.
  16. Frank

    Pool Filter Sand

    I also use play sandin most of my tanks. Love it and never a have had a problem. I do rinse mine, but it dose not take long .Out of all my tanks there are only two that still have gravel in them and as soon as i cut down of some fish , I will be changing them to play sand also.
  17. Like they said... Or try lifting the line to get the air bubble to move.
  18. And this is why I do not say a thing..lol Some good info there from alot of good people.
  19. I use well water and do not have to add anything. Thank god. If I did I would not have this many tanks. Yes my PH is high but it seems to work.Have so many fry I cannot get rid of them . Have a S/A 180gal tank running and they are all growning good and lots of color. They even breed in my well water which has a very high PH. Like over 8.0 So when I read all the post about fish needing a lower PH I just carry on and do my own thing. Hey it works for me.
  20. How many times did you click on the site yesterday to see if it was working. I had a busy day at work so I think I only checked about 4 times
  21. Pull the impeller housing off anf clean it. Sometimes just a piece of grit or sand will keep it from starting up again. Need a good lone screwdriver for this. Just take out the 4 screws and off it comes . Clean the impeller and and use Q-tips to clean the hole. Did you start it up right. Open the inlet valve frist, then the outlet valve. Let it fill with water brfore pluging it in. It should work.
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