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Everything posted by darkangel

  1. I have used white gravel in the past (about 15 years ago) and never had any problems except it did'nt stay white for long. Fish crap and algae change the color really fast.
  2. Currently breeding kribs, P.pulcher Green flame, P.pulcher black, P.sacromontis scarlet, Pseudocrenilabrus nicholsi,P.taeniatus dehane, and now thanks to a good deal will be attempting to breed Sturisoma panamense Royal farlowella cats.
  3. Aquagiant black sand is great in planted aquaria, Also rinses clean very easy, don't hurt the fish and is easy to clean while in the aquarium (gravel sweep). Right now at the west end store until Sun. you can pick up a bag for $20.00/22lb bag. Might want to call ahead, Don't know how many bags he has left.
  4. I went into a LFS (chain store) and walked up to a tank with 4 catfish in it, I had an idea of what they were so I asked the girl that was working the dept. I asked what type of catfish these were, employee- I don't know I just started here and know nothing about fish except they need water and swim i'll ask, She went and asked the other girl who came over and said I think they are some kind of pleco but they look sick and skinny, I asked how much they were and she replied I think they're 4.99ea but i don't know if i should sell them to you. I replied I'll take my chances. Turns out my guess was right, I now have 4 Sturisoma panamanse, Royal farlowella catfish about 4" total length at what I thought was an awsome deal, Also pretty sure I have 2 boys and 2 girls. I even bought the 4 lyretail black mollies that were in the same tank for 1.99ea. I know some may think I took advantage of the employee and the store, But they should have enough nowledge to know what they are selling.
  5. Your best bet would be the 50st aquagiant, The 170st location may not be there on Sat. Might allready be closed.
  6. You can get fine filter brushes at the lfs and just clean it out the best you can. I have the same problem and all I do is use a very narrow filter brush that is flexable enough to get in the spaces that need cleaning.
  7. The pair i'm puting in the tank is a new experience for him. He has a betta in his room now and a parrot fish in the community tank that he calls, the big orange gooberface fish and guppies that he calls wavy ones with all the colors. It's amazing how young kids can come up with all kinds of new spieces of fish.
  8. He allready has a whole list of fish from the other tanks. Only problem with that, all the fish that he wants it would have to be a 120gal.
  9. I picked up my grandsons second tank. It's only 12gal but it came complete with stand filter canopy and t5 light. I will be setting this tank up in his room and Grandpa will be donating a pair of P. taeniatus dehane for his first attempt at breeding fish. He is only 6 so he will need a lot of help.
  10. Aquarium water holds very little if any bacteria all the bacteria is in the filters and substrate, Any time I set up a new tank depending on size, eg:55gal. I would do a gravel sweep in my 72gal and collect that water into a 5gal pail. It looks disgusting but I dump that into the new tank then add the substrate over top of that, fill the tank half full pouring the water over a bowl or dish so you don't disturb the gravel and add plants. Top up the tank fire up the filter or filters I always use 2 per tank, Let the filters run for about 2 hours just to clear up the water a bit and for the heater to bring the temp up. I have put up to a dozen 3" fish in the tank the same day without any amonia or nitrite spikes. CAUTION What works for one may not work the same for others.
  11. All the eggs are turning white, I think I lost the whole spawn. I do have another pair in the tank doing the love dance. I'll see what happens this time.
  12. Thanks guys. Allready moved the driftwood into a 2.5gal, thats all I have vacant right now. 70gal and larger is a little overkill.
  13. I have P. pulcher albinos in a ten gal tank that sprung a leak, In the process of switching out the tank for a new one I noticed eggs on the underside of a piece of driftwood. I put everything back in the new tank in the same place give or take a 1/4 inch. The only change made was I removed the 2 sponge filters and replaced with a cycled a/c 30. Where the eggs are they're getting lots of water movement but the parents refuse to go back to the eggs. Lost spawn or will they eventually go back to gaurding them.
  14. Thank you, Each plant has 4 to5 roots the same length as the plant is tall so I should be ok.
  15. My osiris sword has a shoot with about 10 baby plants on it ranging from about 1 inch to about 4 inches, The roots are as long as the plants are tall. Just wondering if they should be left attached to the parent plant or if they can be snipped off and potted at this stage. I have no room in my tank to lay the shoot down so the plants can root in the substrate. Bottom of the tank is 97% planted see first pic in 2008 aquarium beutiful contest.
  16. I use a tblsp per 5gal for the liveberers, (guppies,mollies,swords,platties).
  17. I don't have much left for africans. 2X wild Xenomistus nigri (black congo knife) 2X F-1 Altolamrologus calvus, ink fin 6X F-1 Lamprologus brevis, yellow belly 3X Hemichromis bimaculatus, jewel cichlid More to come.
  18. That is very strange, I shut down 17 tanks just before Christmas and my power bill jumped $35.00 a month.
  19. I have my little guy, roughly 4 to 5 inches in a community tank. Neons, rasboras, guppies, swords,dwarf honey gouramis, neon blue rainbows, american flag fish, bamboo shrimp, cories, zebra loaches, and bn plecos. If anything the smaller fish chase him/her (IT) around. They might be able to suck in a small fish but for the most part all they can do is bump the other fish. At one time I had it in a tank with full grown severums without any problems. Also fine with kribs and angels.
  20. I would suspect the cherry barb, and then the lemon tetras.
  21. IME most liveberers like a little salt in the water. It states on the packaging that it provides essential electrolites and immproves slime coat. I use a ratio of 1tbsp per 5gal of water and all my liveberers are healthy,colorful, and breed like crazy. (Caution though, What works for some may not work for others) hope this helps.
  22. It has a face only a mother could love, But it is a cool looking fish
  23. I have a pair of Ps. nicholsi and the female is holding, My question is should I have more females in the tank since the male is out looking for more action or will the one pair be fine. I had no intention of breeding them yet it just happened by accident. I watched it happen while the bag was floating in the tank.
  24. Aquagiant on 117 ave & 170st has 22lb bags of fine black gravel for $29.99 bag. The more business you do with him the better deals you get.
  25. Thanks Nick. I was thinking along that line, But I wanted to be totally sure.
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