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Everything posted by rayfong

  1. Fairdeal on the board might be able to help you. He's in Calgary but he makes a trip out to Edmonton every few months depending on weather.
  2. White cloud minnows are great for small tanks. I had a small group in my fluval chi and when I moved the adults out I noticed I had about a half dozen fry swimming around. Now they share the tank with some yellow shrimp.
  3. NLS is New Life Spectrum foods and BBS is baby brine shrimp
  4. To sex the severums, the male's dorsal and anal fins are more pointed and are longer than the females. Sexing the geophagus is a little harder. I've read that the males have longer extensions on the fins than the females and also get a bit bigger than the females. Both males and females are really colorful so you can't use that as a guide either.
  5. I got mine from Spencer Jack almost a year ago.
  6. Well if you want a tropheus tank I know someone who is selling theirs.
  7. Yes the geophagus are nice. I have a group of 10 Geophagus sp. red head tapajos and by far they are one of my nicest fish.
  8. It will heal, just keep your water quality up.
  9. I think all PJ's order the fish from the same supplier. Aquatic Imports in Calgary.
  10. I've had betta channoides in with cherry shrimp before. I didn't see the bettas eat the shrimp but for some reason all I had in there was adult shrimp and no shrimplets
  11. Other brackish fish could be scats? I've had/have dats. I had an indo wasn't too aggressive although it and my bocourti liked to take runs at each other. My NTT's are in with my frontosas right now and aren't too aggressive.
  12. You should throw it out. Once its thawed it shouldn't be re-frozen similar to foods that we eat.
  13. Jerry, I've got lots of val and I'll take a look, but I think I've got a pair of Lamprologus brevis as well.
  14. Shouldn't be too much of a problem, turn off filtration, lift the ship up slowly and let the sand fall down. If there is no water movement, the sand will settle. If you want to play it safe, leave the filters off for about 30 minutes before starting them back up.
  15. I would go with panaques (royal plecos, watermelon etc.) or Scobinancistrus species (sunshine pleco) Other ones might be the L273 (Titinia) or L25 (Scarlet).
  16. Temp: high 70's to lower 80's are fine. I think those are fairdeal's rams, and he has them acclimated to calgary water around 7.8 although they would probably breed and do better in a pH below 7. They are good community fish, mine are in with cardinal and metae tetras, otocinclus, angels and apistos. Yes, they like a planted tank.
  17. There was probably 1 bag on each table.
  18. Seemed like there were more people than usual. I did put an ad in Kijiji on Friday for the auction and I know someone was at a LFS was letting people know about the auction.
  19. Another option would be say red empresses or taiwan reefs with electric yellows.
  20. For colourful cichlids, I would look at malawi cichlids. I suggest peacocks, going for a male tank with some haplochromines.
  21. That's odd, my indo dat, giant red tail gourami and exCichlasoma bocourti all ate it. Even my red hook silver dollar when one of the big guys missed a pellet would grab one and eat it.
  22. I think it was just the time of year. Before we were going through Henry and Henry focuses mainly on ponds during the summer months. We'll probably start seeing them once we have snow on the ground.
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