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Everything posted by Parachromis1

  1. Its a Rubbermaid lol, you can do anything with it. I'm gonna feel bad for you when your tank explodes lol. Don't take it from me, I just build tanks for a living.
  2. That's like comparing a Honda to a Mercedes....the FX5 blows it out of the water. Most places sell them for the same price too. Try Aquarium Illusions.
  3. They're going to be the new best thing in the hobby. That's why its a big secret until it's unveiled. Fluval will be redeeming themselves for the history.
  4. I would be scared to have a tank like that in my house......did you not clean the glass in between silicone jobs? If you clean it well enough, and build the tank properly it'll never leak.
  5. When and where did you get an armatus?
  6. Welcome! believe me, there are many fish junkies on here.
  7. Part of it will go away with time and good water. Other than that I think the poor thing is blind on that side. So he won't be catching fish from that angle now!
  8. Either centrally plumb all the tanks, or use sponge filters, they're awesome.
  9. To be quite frank with you, you jumped the gun on medication. Why would you treat it if you don't know what it was? You need to give the fish to develop immunity and fight it off itself. If you're doing the work for the immune system, it'll get lazy and then when it gets REALLY sick you basically just killed your fish off. Why would you take medicine yourself if you didn't know what it could cause or if you didnt know what you have? IMO you're more likely to kill your fish this way.
  10. i like your tank dustin. seriously.. when will it end up in my front yard? You'd never get it in your house LOL. build one ya lazy kid.
  11. Feed some pellets to the poor thing.
  12. Only one product I would add. Kalkwasser solution. It's lab grade as well.
  13. Seeing as the inside of the eye is still white, it's going to be blind on that side. I've had it happen to me before.
  14. If you looked at another add, you can see they're moving locations. I was down there on Friday and the owner told me they were getting a much nicer location.
  15. Well you are poisoning your fish. I always tell people if you don't have the tanks for the fish, don't keep em. And your Koi should be around 10" by now, so you are messing with it's growth rate.
  16. Parachromis1

    Hello :)

    Welcome, and pozhalsta lubimaya.
  17. Bigger hose=more suction power lol.
  18. Does not stop african cichlids... Can you really compare a Kia and a Mercedes? No. African's also live in colonies on rocks out in the lake, goldfish don't lol.
  19. There are also many good chemicals, better than what seachem makes. If you talk to someone who knows what they're talking about, they can point you in the direction of lab grade chemicals.
  20. Never seen a brass one, but I picked up a waterbed attachment at home Depot.
  21. I have a Jag that I love who has balance issues, sits on the bottom all day and kinda falls over every once in a while. I think it's a swim bladder problem. Post something on MFK to see what they come up with.
  22. Small fish ship well. Also, fish will be fine from the US. Rich packs his fish ridiculously well.
  23. I prefer Aquaclears over all others.
  24. There are a lot of choices. I myself wouldn't do a pair of Red Terrors for life in a 90. I once had A male who was 15" and ruled 2/3's of a 230 gallon. IMO a single specimen, or a pair of Escondidos like Sue recommended would be awesome. Or try a Haitiensis or something
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