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Everything posted by Parachromis1

  1. now that is what i call a shrimp
  2. Parachromis1


    basically i do the same thing. except i live with my grandparents. 50 to a 75 gallon, then to 2 75 gallons, then add a 33 and a 50, then snuck in the 230 when they were at work lol. then added a 120 shortly after. then just recently, shut down the 120 to buy a 130 hehe. as time goes on theyll forgive you. Quinn
  3. no worries about wanting critters. you'll probably have a 100 starfish in no time plus, depending on where you bought the rock, bristleworms will be of the essence. Quinn
  4. i have 2 i got from the states. theyre relatively uncommon so if you want some, check out aquabid and look up fishfarmusa. i might be interested in a trade if you have anything that interests me. Quinn
  5. nice fish nick. if you find a mate hook me up with some fry
  6. yeah, maybe go with an asian aro, or a larger cichlid community. i have a 230 gallon cichlid community with a larger silver aro and its an awesome tank. rays are also cool as well. try out some peacock bass if you like larger predatory fish or go with an umbie!!!!!!!!!!! basically your possibilities are endless. Quinn
  7. many arobic and anarobic bacterias that cant be tested for are going around. check for little worms and it might be a callamanus infection. Quinn
  8. its definitely a hybrid. if not which it is, its a nandopsis salvini
  9. no clue. i also lost 1 f1 motaguense and 2 escondidos. everything else survived and now the tank has been re established. Quinn everyone checkout my photobucket!!!!!!!!!!
  10. yeah i agree. mine has only grown about 6 inches in a year. i got michael at big als to bring in some from rusty wessel and they all came in with this weird viral infection, and only 3 survived. in the long run only 1 of the 3 survived is the one i have. do you think this has to do with him growing slow? Quinn ps. if you know anyone witha cheap 108 ill gladly take it off of their hands.
  11. where did you get a 108 gallon, those tanks from hagen are soo expensive
  12. probably my favorite fish ever. how big of a tank? i hope mine turns out to be that nice, even though he's only 7" how big is yours? Quinn
  13. sadly, the clowns in my photobucket pics all died today. water went crazy in less than 12 hours. also killed one of my escondidos too.
  14. some pics taken with the cell phone. enjoy. http://s227.photobucket.com/albums/dd255/pimpdocta/ Quinn
  15. i agree it could be the impeller. also if you are using carbon or a fine filter pad it could be plugging it. have had it happen many times with all sorts of filters. Quinn
  16. haha, i'd definitely wanna keep one of these because the sure are wicked. i crossed a red terror and a carpinte and had only 6 fry survived which eventually turned into 4. i only have the 6 inch dominant male left and well, he's got a real nasty temper with awesome colors. tries to fight the umbie lol. you could only hope they look real awesome. mine had a carpinte face with black bars and blue speckles everywhere. it also has red scales when its happy. it has really nice trailing fins like a festae, and has the body shape like a festae. the mom was festae the dad was a carpinte. this is so you can get a jist of what they'll look like. Quinn
  17. i dunno about that one. my dovii would probably rip its lips and kiss its a$$ with them
  18. that would probably look real sweet. hook me up with some fry lol. or a grammodes if you like me that much. remember i have those f2 white midas fry to trade. Quinn
  19. agreed. the filter is designed mainly for biological bacteria its not a carbon based filter like most. when i used to work at the petstore many noobs would come in and say i put lots of carbon in and why isnt it working properly. my answer is only use biomax and one thing of opti carb!!!! theyre the best filters in the game people. (eheim and fluval insert filter materials are chemically identical too)
  20. i've done this alot, just make sure to let a couple sponge filters chill in your tank for a bit then transfer them as well as your other filter to the bigger tank. i have done this many times and never had a death. Quinn
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