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Everything posted by firestorm

  1. Interesting for sure. Don't know what it could be either. Do you have an account on Tom Barr's site? http://www.barrreport.com/ I am sure someone on there would be able to tell you exactly what it is. I go there every now and then to get some expert info on certain things.
  2. firestorm

    Fluval 405

    $200 for one of those is a decent price, but I would never buy another fluval unless it's the FX5. Their other canister filters just don't hold up to quality as others do, I would personally recommend the Rena XP's over fluvals any day. Fluvals go on sale all the time down here, probably because of how crappy they are lol, but they do the trick.
  3. Any chance of finding this product? http://www.kensfish.com/medications/jungle_ick_guard_2.jpg. It is safe for scaleless fish. Too bad you didn't expect it when we did the kens order. Don't use regular table salt unless it is iodine free. Epsom salts, sea salts or aquarium salt is good to use. The warmer temps will help the parasites run through their life cycle faster. You will need to treat the tank he came from as well, since it is a highly contagious parasite that will live in the gravel and can free swim.
  4. There are very few species where the males do the mouthbrooding, and peacocks are not one of them. You have one very colorful female Sometimes the dominant female can take on male colorations. Congrats, do you know who she bred with?
  5. My tanganyikan tank must be a happy tank considering a few weeks ago a pair of my julidochromis transcriptus bred, and then last night my bf noticed my female calvus was missing, well guess what, she is under some rocks while the male guards outside. I knew instantly when he attacked my finger when I put it near the glass that they must have some eggs. I am so ecstatic :thumbs: Now I wonder if any of the others will decide to make babies :smokey:
  6. I don't find them to be aggressive. Most of the time when you add new fish to a tank the other fish will chase them for a while. Usually after a few hours or a day the others settle down. I kept SAE's in with more peaceful fish with no problems, but they will eat up certain plants Mine devoured my rotala wallichii. Other than that they are a good fish to keep. A couple of them will do just fine in 20-30 gallons.
  7. Don't believe everything you read, eventually the guppies would run out of food, I am sure they can find their own food in the wild though lol. Problem with guppies is they're so typical and breed like rabbits. Unless you go with an all male tank you will have so many guppies in no time. Killi fish make great fish for small tanks, I love them. You have to be careful with them though because some species are only annuals and don't live very long.
  8. A small colony of dwarf puffers, or a small colony of lamprologus multifasciatus. I would keep only up to 3 puffers, make sure to have plenty of stuff to block thier line of vision from one another. With the shell dwellers you could keep a colony of about 4 of them or even just a pair. Or make it into a shrimp tank :thumbs:
  9. You might be able to build legs for the light fixture, any pictures so we can see what it looks like? The wpg is good for that size of tank.
  10. Definitely something wrong. When I moved my bettas around they were swimming around happily and even ate the same day. Hope everything goes well, like blackmumba said, try doing a small water change, increase the temps and add a little salt. Have you tested the parameters of the water?
  11. When sexing smaller ones, the females are usually a nice bright yellow with a lighter colored belly, and they have absolutely no black on any parts of their body. I have a breeding group but just sold all my offspring, when they spawn again I will let you know in case you haven't found one yet.
  12. I hear ya. Thanks for asking about the fish, I'm trying to stick with a Rio Negro/Orinoco theme (blackwater) so I'm going with rams (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi), cories (not sure which yet, likely metaes, melinis, adolfo's or sodalis ) and tetras (leaning towards Red Phantoms/ Hyphessobrycon sweglesi, still may go with Cardinals/Paracheirodon axelrodi). Excited... is an understatement. Can't wait to hear all about it :thumbs: Your tank is stunning btw, can't wait until mine start looking something like that :smokey:
  13. Too late Mine are in shipment as we speak.
  14. Barbara, remember I ordered some from Ken. I ordered 50 of the smallest ones and hopefully the order will be in this week. I can bring some over with me when I stop by. If the order doesn't happen to arrive before you go you can get them from Anne Marie
  15. There are tons of little fish that could go in there. What sort of set up were you thinking with it? I think it would make a great community tank, or you can do a species only mbuna tank or something.
  16. I find lava rock to be more suited for fish that don't swim around as fast and stuff as mbuna. Especially those aggressive species of fish. Good for calm planted tanks.
  17. My male salousi has never showed the full blue color, he stays in between a yellowy blue color. The only way I can tell him from his females is his black stripes lol. Sounds like you have a sub dom male to me. I think mine doesn't color up because of the other dom species of other fish in the tank......but he still breeds with the females.
  18. Doesn't it always happen lol. Well I don't know if I can handle anymore planted tanks right now lol. I actually do have a few that have some other live plants in them but nothing to show for Thanks, I love that tank too. I was pondering whether to get it ready and enter it in the 2009 aquascaping contest or not. He sure is a lucky betta, wish my home looked like that haha. What kind of SA's are you putting in the tank?
  19. 15 gallon Equipment: Sponge filter Hagen natural plant system bubble ladder with DIY mix 24" fixture with T8 6500K bulb Tank mates: Crystal red shrimp Snowball shrimp Galaxy rasboras Plants: Anubias nana cryptocoryne wendtii philipine java fern java moss 5 gallon Equipment: aquaclear 20 filter Tankmates: Aphysomion striatum killi's Plants: Java fern java moss cryptocoryne wendtii 29 gallon bowfront Equipment: Aquaclear 50 filter Tankmates: 6x swordtails 6x dwarf rainbows 7x white cloud minnows 6x pygmy cories Plants: Hygrophila corymbosa 'Angustifolia' Hygrophila polystigma wisteria onion plant Echinodorus Red special ludwigia repens amazon sword pennywart rotala rotundifolia
  20. Here are all 7 of my planted tanks I actually care about. Most of them are fairly newer set ups so the plants haven't filled in yet. Hoping to get more plants to fill in some of the spaces Seems none of the LFS's that were good for plants have been any good lately :shock: 90 Gallon Equipment: Eheim 2250 canister 2x 36" double bulb coralife fixtures Red sea paintball CO2 system Hagen natural plant system bubble ladder with DIY yeast mix Tank mates: 3x clown loaches 2x bristle nose plecos 7x angels 4x turquiose rainbows 5x boesemani rainbows 7x parkinsoni rainbows 2x black skirt tetras Plants: Amazon swords Anubias barteri crinum calamistratum ludwigia repens rotala indica Pennywart Limnophila sessiliflora riccia fluitans 33 gallon Equipment: Eheim 2250 canister 24" T5HO Hagen glo fixture (hopefully getting a 36" of these soon) 2L DIY yeast system hooked up to power head Hagen natural plant system bubble ladder DIY mixture Tankmates: 3x Apistogramma cacautuoides 8x Rummy nose tetras 1x German blue ram 4x Bumblebee gobies 3x horsefaced loaches 5x otocinclus 1x clown pleco Plants: Ludwigia repens rotala walichii rotala indica madagascar lace fissidens fontanus jungle vals tiger vals 5 gallon Equipment: hood with 2x phillips daylight 9w bulbs sponge filter Tankmates: Veil tail betta Plants: Egeria densa Limnophila sessiliflora flame moss Utricularia graminifoli 5 gallon Equipment: coralife 9" mini fixture sponge filter Tankmates: Dragon betta Plants: Dwarf hairgrass christmas moss
  21. I am sure they would be fine, I also bought a large garbage container for only $15 for aging water (although I haven't even used it yet lol).
  22. I know who April is, I have bought things from her before. I would rather see about getting some in Calgary first. I will try Gold's first since they are closer, I am a regular there so I am sure he has no problems getting me some. After that I will try riverfront I need them for my discus as well.
  23. Does anyone know of places around Calgary to get black worms from? I am in need of a culture, or if anyone else has any and can spare some to start a culture that would be great Thanks
  24. You do have a few nice ones in there. I also like the blue one with the markings in his face. Which ones are the Kenny's discus?
  25. The dragon betta I bought from BAs a month ago is the nicest betta I have ever owned, they have some really nice types there. Or if you ever are looking for others try Riverfront, I have also bought some nice varients from there before.
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