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Wingin' It

Calgary & Area Member
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Everything posted by Wingin' It

  1. Welcome Lobsterboy. Hope you enjoy it here.
  2. Rationing lots??!! Has that ever happened before?? Wierd! I think i'm going to need more money...hahaha
  3. Sweet...those finds are always so cool!
  4. Nice steal!! And yes, this is exactly how MTS starts! LOL Just wait until Sunday, when the auction viewing starts, you're going to have lots of ideas of how to fill that tank! I seem to remember a previous post in the DIY section where someone did actually buff out the scratches on their tank WHILE the fish were still in it...so if you don't fill it first with fish...it should be super easy!
  5. Very cool...thanks for posting! I like seeing these underwater shots! Great job!
  6. Just curious...are you looking for a member to take your tank home with them for the 8 months or visit a house daily to sit them?
  7. Ghost Knife fish...will eat smaller fish as far as I know...so kind of aggressive in that manner Birchirs, well, also will eat fish that fit into their mouths. Thankfully I talked my hubby outta this one (no offense to anyone who keeps 'em...just not my kinda fish right now ) African Butterfly Fish are top dwelling, & peaceful as far as I know Synodontis catfish are sweet fish...cute, scavengers. Rams are supposed to be good community fish...I know blue rams are mean as heck, but who knows. Kribs, when I had 'em they were mean/territorial when breeding, otherwise fine. Angels, are also mean when breeding, I guess what fish isn't?! Farlowella cats and the pleco should be ok.
  8. I was out browsing some of the LFS's today...and found some really gorgeous EBJDs at Gold's Aquarium...they're so tempting but of course I don't have room for them, but they're sooo sooo nice to look at. I also saw some nice Severums...the gold and red ones...man I wish I had more room...oh and money...hahaha Anywho, just thought i'd mention it in case anyone is looking for 'new' blood or them in general. Cheers!
  9. Welcome...what do you have for tanks/cichlids?
  10. A Fluval 205 would be suitable i've got a 305 on my 45, but I don't know about a 29 gallon...I guess you could try? And on second thought...since it's heavily planted...you could just use a smaller submersible like one of the rays or the new fluvals...just a thought.
  11. They were snatched up a few weeks ago from Big Al's
  12. Just curious if you've tried breeding your pair again yet?
  13. Has the Betta started looking better yet?
  14. Wow...the miracle of life! lol Thanks for sharing! They're adorable!
  15. No Sale yet...but it was certainly crawling with people browsing/buying when I was there.
  16. Glow light tetras? If you can find 'em that is...they're really awesome!
  17. I went into the New Pisces Pet Emporium today, It's a 200% improvement...bigger, cleaner! Not enough staff working just yet, and the prices for many of the fish aren't up yet, but they seem so far, to be more competitive with prices. I was looking at a few fish and their price for this one particular fish (not going to mention any names...hahaha) is already $10 less than it was at the old bldg! Their Salt Water corals seemed cheaper too...maybe my SW tank isn't so far off into the future! hahaha. Just thought i'd mention it.
  18. Absolutely Gorgeous!! I love Red Gold Severums...I just wish I had tanks big enough for them!
  19. Sounds like your rays eat better than I do!! LOL
  20. I am bringing in fish that refuse to stop breeding...they're worse than rabbits! But I only get 10 lots so i'm going to have to be very very careful...lol I haven't gotten around to paying for a membership yet...lol I know i'm bad! Soon though!! I can hear ya now fishclubgirl...lol Just teasing
  21. hahaha...Don't make me go looking! I have all day!! lmao. Actually I don't, but when I looked up that pleco...there's very little info on them! Wierd eh? Just a lot of people asking for more info on them. I found one place that said they grow big and shouldn't be in anything less than a 100 gallons! Scarey thought! I've seen some monsters at the Petland in the south end of the city!
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