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Calgary & Area Member
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Everything posted by Cgy_Betta_Guy

  1. nice lookin fishies... I am glad I am not the only one with multiple thermometers in a tank
  2. very nice builds! Why not put the water repellant on the sheeting inside even though you are using HOB? Never know when accidents happen or when you might eventually upgrade to a canister.
  3. hi... I thought I saw you had posted a question earlier about adding salt to the tank as preventative measure for ich etc. but cant seem to find it now that I have a little time to make a post. when I was still new to the hobby and didnt have a QT tank I did a treatment with aquarium salt for ich in my planted tank and it did kill off some of my foreground plants. While it might aid in oxygen exchange in small amounts I would not suggest adding any salt to your freshwater tank. otherwise +1 to adding ferts to your substrate for your chain swords. what kind of substrate, co2 and lighting do you have for your tank?
  4. wow that new tank is nice and big and gives me tank envy.
  5. Added 6 hillstream loaches to this tank about a month ago and just finally caught this action. A little out of focus but had to get the camera set up quick to catch this and reencoded the video a couple of times to get it smaller so the picture quality might not be the best. I just thought it was interesting to watch. 20121224
  6. Doh... like I need more plants! Must resist!
  7. I say just wing it and see what you can come up with. Look forward to seeing some pics!
  8. wow those are some nice reds.... makes me want some now too!
  9. I can see your pics fine. Looks good! Photobucket is the way to go for posting pics.
  10. Looks good... nice shrimp high rise!
  11. Hi and welcome back. I have a number of hillstream loaches as well. Pretty neat little critters.
  12. Hi and welcome to the forum!
  13. Lots of shrimp setups posted lately so I figured I would throw mine in the mix. Thanks for looking! Equipment: 58 Gallon Hagen Waterhome tank 2x Hagen Glo 2x54 W T5HO 2x Eheim G90 canister filters Compressed Co2 Critters: about 40 SSS/SS grade Crystal Red Shrimp 4 Amano shrimp 40 or so Endler livebearers 5 Ottos 3 Panda loaches Tons of malaysian trumpet snails Using fluorite black sand as my substrate and have peat granules in the filters to lower the PH. Flora: Heteranthera zosterifolia giant hairgrass Bacopa caroliniana Lilaeopsis mauritius Aponogeton madagascariensis Rotala indica Java moss Mini Rose moss Flame moss Cryptocoryne Mi Oya Limnophila hippuroides Tonina fluviatalis 'Manaus' Staurogyne repens Rotala wallichii Dwarf Sagittaria subulata Cryptocoryne parva Cryptocoryne crispatula var balansae Anubias barteri var nana Echinodorus 'Red Flame sword' Nesaea crassicaulis Cyperus Helferi Blyxa Japonica Hemianthus Micranthemoides Pogostemon helferi <--- has since died off on me for some reason Didiplis diandra Pogostemon stellatus Ceratopteris cornuta Eriocaulon Mini Taco Duckweed 20121230
  14. Cgy_Betta_Guy

    Hi There

    HI and welcome to the forum!
  15. what kind of filtration do you have on that 5G? I had cyano on my tank waaaay back when I started my first tank and black out and then increasing the water circulation seemed to help with getting rid of it. Didnt do any chemical dosing besides the usual ferts. I did increase KNO3 a bit as mentioned as well. i think once your tank gets balanced the cyano will be less likely to appear.
  16. I mighta put in an entry had I known... Both of your tanks look pretty good! Good luck!
  17. Awesome and sure makes me want to pick up some for myself!
  18. Welcome to the forum... I look forward to doing some business with you.
  19. Cgy_Betta_Guy


    welcome to the forum! I envy those big tanks and would love to see some pics!
  20. Auto top off isnt practical for me... would require me putting a bucket next to the tanks which is kinda ugly and takes up space.
  21. great info. thanks. guess i will see what the glass guys say about sagging but will likely go with 5 or 6 mm if available.
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