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Everything posted by Ichthyosporidium

  1. The only thing I would do on top of what you are doing is dose with the malachite green for five days. The reason is that the malachite green will kill the adult parasite in the two to three days stated on the bottle but the cysts which may be lying in the gravel bed need an extra few doses for proper penetration of the medication. As long as your dosage is correct as per species I have never seen any adverse reactions to doing the additional doses.
  2. QL lighting is the distributor for Sunpark in Canada. There happens to be an outlet here in Edmonton. Check this link out: QL lighting designs
  3. I believe he was trying to show a fish off in that jar. I'm hoping that it was just a damsel. Kind of cruel to do so but definitely an interesting setup none the less. Hmm..... I used to make bottle terrariums out of 1 - 5 gal. carboys. Now I have some food for thought. Nice catch T dawg
  4. Other than my facial skin is like my mother's old leather purse I'm doing very well thanks. I hope I did not miss too much excitement around here. :boxed:
  5. Wellllll........Yeahhhhh...ahhhh...Thats right!!!! Your insightfulness will never cease to amaze me :bow: Ok well maybe not quite my insinuation there Methuselah but we'll go with it.
  6. Maybe you should change your name from Nandopsis to Genesis hehe :thumbs:
  7. Well it's been a while since I visited here.... And now I'm back in good 'ol Alberta (aint nuthin' like home people) I now live in Edmonton and will be here for the forseeable future. After my ridiculously long tour I found myself with no tanks :cry: So sellers I'm gonna be your best friend for the next bit :thumbs: Anyways cheers people
  8. Thanks, but my job is not done yet Christian. The doctor gave me the ok to return to active duty and I'll be shipping out again in the next three weeks. It is amazing how the coalition forces work togeather and how countries, their flags, their customs all melt away when on duty. Oh yeah and if two or more frenchmen ask you to sit down and play poker.....DON"T cause they will own your children if you are not careful. They were some upset when I walked away and broke even. I do enjoy giving the kids things such as bubbles which they go crazy for and it must be quite the site to see a soldier in full combat dress and bolwing bubbles for the kids.
  9. I did manage to go to some of the tributaries and do some fishing. Did you know that there are rainbow trout, brown trout, and northern pike that are stocked in some of the lakes, streams and rivers there?! There is also a fish called a red lipped asp (Aspius aspius). They look like a cross between a white fish and a pike to me and they fight like no tomorow! They can get up around 3' and weigh up to 35lb approx. The ones I caught were much smaller at around 18" with a weight of around 7lb. Some local kids taught me how to catch them with a coloured cork that is carved to look like a mouse. A hook is tied on with a strip of metal to act as a ballast. It also worked great for the pike also.
  10. Just some amazing scars for me. I did almost loose one important piece which was my head. I had to have 46 stitches to close that one up.
  11. Well, I have managed to come home for at least a month. I can't even begin to tell you the feeling of stepping off that plane and knowing it is your home soil. My tour was cut off short because our convoy was attacked and many of us suffered injuries. Nobody died from that scirmish, someone was smiling upon us that day. I am glad we do not have to live through that here at home cause it is bad right now. Anyways it will be nice to have some quiet time for at least one more week. Ihave a feeling I will be deployed again before the summer is out which is not bad because it is cooler over there.
  12. Sompe species of fish identify each other by body shape and markings. Perhaps it is a case of mistaken identity. While I know it is common in catfish species, I do not know forsure if it is the case for Red-tailed black sharks.
  13. You use a barb fitting and use a Stainless steel T-bolt style clamps.
  14. Matt, what diameter are you looking for. I can get this stuff WAY, WAY cheaper for you than you will find anywhere in Alberta.
  15. While I am far from experienced in cichlids. The black in yellow labs is either a show of dominance or readiness of breeding. Either way, black on yellow labs is normal for them. I am sure that some of the resident experts in cichlids will clarify. EDIT: It appears to be a show of dominance in males, here is a link to show you: http://www.tropicalfishcentre.co.uk/Labidochromis.htm
  16. Check and make sure your impeller and the impeller well are clean. Older units may have a calcium buildup either on the magnet or in the well. If both are clean, then it is probably the impeller shaft that is slightly off axis (bent). Hope that helps.
  17. It is salts that are extracted right from lake Tanganika (usually).
  18. Here is the link to Fatpuffers thread: http://albertaaquatica.com/index.php?showtopic=9236
  19. The larger the tank, the less maintenance that needs to be performed. True things like cleaning the glass might take a bit longer, but the trade off is less water changes, less maintenance on the gravel, less maintenance on the filter. Larger tanks are more biologically stable so you can extend your maintenance schedule much further apart than a smaller tank. I suggest a 48 gal. or larger. A standard 48 gallon tank, in my opinion has one of the best viewing windows, while taking up minimal space.
  20. It is best to allways follow the manufacturer's instructions first and foremost. They did afterall, spend the hundreds if not, millions of dollars developing the product and therefore know best on the dosage and use for their product. That is regardless of product type. My advice is anecdotal so Will, you are correct in staying within the parameters of the manufacturer's instructions, especially if you are not familiar with the product.
  21. Lifebearer from AP is a great product. I use it for an extra 3 days than stated on the instructions. The reason is because the meds take longer to penetrate the cyst's membranes and the concentration to be a bit lower in the substrate. I find this to be the same for any meds such as malachite green. I have had great sucess by doing so.
  22. Not to nit pick.....OK...to nit pick, don't you mean 'Fingers'???
  23. Hmmmm.... While I doubt that a fiddler crab could catch a healthy german ram and is predominantly a scavenger. The possibility remains until you find a body. Do you have a spot that your crab can get out of the water? They do appreciate coming on land now and again. It is possible that they could have dug somewhere in your tank and had a cave-in or died from other causes and the crab simply cleaned up for you. As for suggestions. I might recommend a pair of dwarf neon or flame gouramis. Perhaps some Red Rainbow fish for color and activity for the top strata of your tank. If you choose any tetras, danios, hatchet fish, etc. Keep in mind that you will need a minimum of 4 individuals to make a school. The reason for keeping 4 individuals min. is because the natural reaction of schooling fish when attacked by a predator, is that the scholl breaks into two groups to confuse the predator. If thre are only three individuals or less, then at least one individual is sparated from the others. This is very stressful to a scooling fish (as a general rule). Good schooling types are Harlequin Rasboras, scissortail rasboras, rummy nose tetras, Black Phantom or Red Phantom tetras. For algae and scavenging, you might try a farowella, any Corydoras, as for plecostomus species, there are some unusual species out there. However, be careful as to which one you choose as some can get huge Here is a good link to see different species: Pleco species. Remember that 1" of fish per gallon is a rule of thumb that I follow and to add to that you have to consider adult length. The size of a tank does not govern the end size of a fish, it governs the rate of growth. Hypothetically speaking, if a fish was to have an average size of 12" that fish will get to 12" from a starting size of 2" in a 130 gallon tank, let's say in 12 to 18 months. That same fish in a 33 gallon tank will still get to 12" but in about 3 to 4 years, if it lives that long. You also have to take into consideration the space all you plants, ornaments, and substrate take up. In your case, that will be about 10 gallons. Feel like getting a bigger tank now??? Take your time, the slower you stock your aquarium, the better. Less regretable decisions are made and it is better for the tank's health overall. Hope that helps! :beer:
  24. Louisiana eh? When I think Louisiana, I think of crawdad boils and soft-shell crabs....mmmmmm.... :welcome: to the site.
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