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Four-eyed fish (Anableps spp.)


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I just recieved a message from a friend of my mom's that she has a "anablep" that she wants to get rid of. At first i had no idea what kind of fish she was talking about but after talking with my mom and getting her description I think she has a Four-eyed fish (Anableps spp.).

Now she just left a brief mesage on my answering machine so i didn't get much info about this fish. Does anyone know of any good sites? I tried doing a google search but not much came up(it was mostly the same paragraph on each site). I am unsure of which species she has as all she said was "anablep" but she did say it supposedly got to around 7-8".

So if anyone could help me out i'd appreciate it. Also if anyone might be interested in this fish let me know.

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Ok it looks like she is giving me this fish. I still dont' have much info about it other then its a Anableps sp.

So if anyone has any info about how to care for this guy i'd really appreciate it. My mom said they are keeping it in brakcish water. I've never kept brackish so if you guys could help me out that would be great.

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I used to keep brackish fish a long while ago, and these were one of the fish that would always come up as a choice.

The like some room between the water line and the lid - would do well in a similar set up to mudskippers... a bit deeper water, tho.

I would some day like to set up a 6-10' palaudrium for brackish fish. Keep Archers, 4-eyes, mudskippers and crabs... also bublebee gobeys - those guys are just so cute!

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Sweet, I'm getting it this week. I talked with the lady and the fish is about 7" long and come with the tank :thumbs:

I guess now i need to research how to do a brackish tank. I have no clue about adding salt.

Anyone else keep brackish fish that could offer any advice?

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I used to use sea salt bought in bulk at the grocery store. Don't really remember the SG I kept it at, but you can find that out anywhere.

Although, in thier natural habitat, their salinity changes all the time (most brackish fish live in estuaries where they have a high salinity at High Tide and a lower salinity at Low Tide), I often tried to keep it steady when I did WCs.

Sandy bottom, some shells, rocks and driftwood pieces extending out of the water (to emulate mangrove roots), and you'll have quite the tank. If you want to keep plants, shoot for the lower SG levels recommended, and you could probably get away with some Java Fern/Moss.

If you can find some old TFH archives, they usually published an article on some sort of brackish fish about once or twice a year. I always found those articles usefull.

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make sure you use marine salt to make it brackish. It has some trace elements that normal aquarium salt lacks.

Ask the lady you are getting it from what her current salinity is and what type of salt she is using. A lot of stores would sell brac fish and say to just add 1 tbsp of aquarium salt per gallon or something similar...which is not really brackish.

Just get the salinity from the lady. Keep it that way and change it slowly if needed.


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