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Everything posted by rahim101

  1. http://www.malawimayhem.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=3874
  2. I LOVE the substrate!!!! Great looking tank Tom!!!!
  3. I believe Gold's sells both the freeze dried and frozen.
  4. what size tank do you have all those in and what was the approximate price of the tang eels??? COOL tank by the way!!!!
  5. i have never tried, but i have seen mono's used as dithers in africans with great success. any thoughts????
  6. Crushed coral does NOT cloud up the water. The only downfall that I can think of is that it does seem to attract algae quite a bit and tends to turn a greeny brown color over time. I have not found it to scratch my tanks at all as it is lighter then sand and gravel!!!
  7. Are you setting up a fresh water set up with cichlids??? I like using crushed coral in my african tanks, it serves many purposes. It's not as fine as sand so I does not wreck the impellers and motors of my aqua clears. It buffers the ph of the water and keeps it nice and hard for africans. and it is a lot eaier to clean compared with gravel. It's sort of right in the middle of sand and gravel. I prefer using the finer crush coral
  8. Are you conditioning the water that you are putting into the tank??? by using AQUA PLUS or PRIME???? What size tank, what kind of filtration are you using??? Are you cleaning the filter the same day that you do water changes????
  9. I agree with Val. A rotting corpse will be killing the quality of the water in your tank which will be more hurtful to your fish then taking apart then tank and stressing them out a little!!!!!!!!!
  10. It's a couple of small square pieces that came with a tank I bought. They dont fit that tank to well so I want to cut then down to fit a smaller tank!!!!!
  11. rahim101

    two questions

    It's an old thermal heater??? Ya..like Val said, twist the rubber!!!!
  12. Jigsaw it is!! Thanks, Unless...some has a table saw and is willing to cut for me????
  13. What the best way to cut acrylic at home???? Looks to be about 6 mm
  14. OR riverfront usually has them in the $100.00 range. Gold's is the best price, but they sell out VERY quickly
  15. From what I understand, Gold's is now using a new tank builder, I have bought several tank from this new guy over the past 15 years and never once had a problem, however, this come at a price...Some of the tanks that Gold's now sells will be slightly higher in price, I would guess about 10-15% higher!!!!! The 90 gallons will remain the same price though from what Dennis told me yesterday!!!! Albert: thefishdude was alos looking for a price on the 45 gallon 4 foot tanks, can you post a price!!!!!!
  16. Ahh crap...she spit or swallowed today!!!!!! Aw well, the cyps are in a tank with 24 very active tropheus, I didnt think she'd hold to term in that tank!!!! I'm going to have set up another tank to give the cyps their own space!! At least I know they are ready!!!!
  17. Kyle: Did you pick up those cyps from my PM to you???
  18. Do they have a guarantee for certain numebr of days??? I went to a W****** a few days ago an noticed that aq bunch of thier tank were sick!!! Stick to buying your fish from the reputable stores such as Gold's and Chum's!!! You dont reall save anything in the long run!!!
  19. Still a VERY high chance of cross breeding!!! Here's what I'd do: Nimbochromis Venustus- 1 M 2F Dimidiochromis Compressiceps- 1 M 2F Labidochromis Caeruleus- 2M 4F Otopharynx Lithobates- 1M 3F Copadichromis azureus - 1M 3F Pick one of these: Aulonocara Rostratum- 1M 3F Aulonocara Stuartgrandi (ngara) 1M 3F Aulonocara Jacob. (Hongi Isl.) 1M 3F (the ngara seem to be the easiest to get in Calgary) 5-7 Synd. Cats- whatever I can get (they do better in larger groups) Anyone else have any thoughts on this???
  20. All the Aulonocara will cross breed!!!! I would limit yourself to one species of Aulonocara and maybe add some females for the males listed above
  21. I suspect the newest arrivals made the whole tank sick!!! I'd complain where ever you bought the fish from!!! Some stores have a 30 guarantee with the fish!!!!
  22. I have heard of broods as high as 14-15 (but, that could have been a jumbo variant)!!! I have a friend who use to get 7-11 per brood on his cyp. blue flash. But this is her VERY first time holding so I am going to be greatful for just one fry!!!!!!
  23. Sorry no pics, I lost the cord to download images from my camera to my computer!!! Looks like there are only 2-3 eggs in the buccal cavity though!!! Oh--well...Just means I can finally add more to my group soon!!!!
  24. That works fine if you have other tanks, but if you are cycling a new tank without any other tanks is the house, It does not work. How big is the tank to start with?? I would add a group (5-6 swordtails) OR tiger barbs, I am pretty sure both would be compatible with the angles!!!!
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