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Everything posted by Powerz69

  1. A captured and raised fish. Should never be released back into a lake, or the lake it came from. Doing this can cause havoc on the ecosystem. After all would you eat your aquarium fish?
  2. I was looking into this for a few years now but with yellow perch. You cannot take a fish out of a lake and tranport it live. Even minnows are protected under this law. You have to go to a fish farm. The only problem is Alberta only has trout fish farms. The only farms that I found were in the states for pike, walleye, yellow perch in the texes area. 2 inches for $65 + shipping and what other expence, and customs will probally wont allow it into the country.
  3. I was looking at some albino ones at Big Als today. I came home and started to do some research on them. They do look cool for a catfish.
  4. X2 My tank had 3 holes sealed this way for over 10 years without problems.
  5. Wow thats cool. It tells me I have 6 warnings to deal with, filtration is at 470%, 75% stocked, and need to do 20% water changed a week. For a 180G tank with 25 fish. :thumbs:
  6. I have 1 that turns 8 this year. Got it at 2" now is at 14" long 6" deep. Mine is very friendly does not bother the other fish at all. I just redid the tank and added some 2" yellow labs and 1.5 demonsoni. I have read the temperment depends on male or female, not sure what I have. I have it in a 180G tank. 4" Kenya trying to mess with it. The only time I seen this happen. The cats in the picture are 7" long and the ventus is 4" long.
  7. The things that comes to my mind is the gravel got stirred up to much and released toxic build up and caused the Nitrite spike. (old tank syndrome) Or Do you put co2 in the tank for the plants? If you do a co2 spike could have happend causing large amount of fish to die causing the Nitrite spike.
  8. What size of glass do you need? Did you try canam on the southside? Go straight there and cut out the middle man.
  9. Same thing I do. But I soak it in a fresh water pail after the power wash and brush it clean. Then air dry for a few days.
  10. Good idea! I'm instrested in doing something like this now.
  11. NICE! Just ordered mine. Thanks for the heads up.
  12. It looks like the same color as the one i had. I noticed it did change color often. light blue happy, dark black angry.
  13. Wow, So I guess it won't be eating for 2-4 weeks. The second picture looks like it's burping thinking oooh I ate way to much.
  14. Would 90 degree angles reduce flow to the sump aswell?
  15. Put lots of airration in the take, bubbles everywhere. It should go away in 24hours or show a big improvement.
  16. Feed them NLS. New Life spectrum.
  17. l'm tring to battle the energy serge as well for a year now. 1 year ago I was paying $4.00 a day now its $6.75 a day the worst was $8.50 a day. I'm tring to get below $5.00 a day. I understade the price for Electricity is higher, but my usage is way higher then it was. I cut the lights, heaters, power heads on my tanks changed most house lights to cfl. Not much more I can do the only thing next would be the computer it's still on 24/7. Thanks for the heater break down I guess i'll turn the heat back on the tanks.
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