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Everything posted by rayfong

  1. it has info on only native species and permits. I have my breeding pair currently in with 2 green severums, 2 heros severum sp rotkeil, 2 jack dempseys, 2 plecos and 2 blood parrots. All other fish are bigger with the exception of the electric blue jack dempsey. No problems except when they breed and then the rest of the fish sort of stay on one side of the tank and the jewels rule the other side.
  2. Where did you get the shelves from? Home Depot. They are 36" wide and 18" deep I believe. I set them up as two stands for 4 tanks. #x 25 and one 65gal. I have 10" of clearance. This gives space for a lid/lights on each tank and the ability to reach the HOB filters for maintenance. Do you have a pic of the rack? How much did you pay for it? I didn't see any on home depot's website although I did see them on Totem's website. They are going for $75.00 right now, regular $89.00. That is for the 36X18X72 I think. I might have to pick me up and start moving my tanks closer together. Ray
  3. rayfong


    Hi and welcome. I did the same thing with with my parents. The tanks just kinda showed up and well, they really can't do too much about it once they are in the house and I can't disappoint my nieces. They kept telling me to buy Nemos....
  4. Yeah, I've seen him and he is a beautiful looking guy.
  5. rayfong


    :welcome: back
  6. I've got mine in with some rasboras, and cherry barbs. No problems so far. I had him in there with the rasboras and barbs as well as some endlers, abn's and kuhli loaches and no problems there . I moved him along with the rasboras and barbs to a bigger tank and made the other tank a endler tank primarily. Now I think I've got lots of littler endlers in that tank.
  7. Well I have both of mine in a 10 gallon with an otto and some shrimps and so far they are doing ok. One of the puffers likes to swim up top and the other spends more time at the bottom.
  8. Have two african tanks 7 Labidochromis caeruleus 3 Metriaclima callainos 3 Melanochromis auratus 5 Metriaclima estherae Aulonocara baenschi Aulonocara jacobfreibergi "Eureka" Protomelas taeniolatus
  9. Let's see, I have Heros Severus Heros sp. Rotkeil Archocentrus Octofasciatus Geophagus iporangensis Thorichthys meeki
  10. rayfong


    :welcome: to the forum and I know the feeling. I went from 1 tank last year to 9 tanks with 3 others not holding anything (yet)
  11. rayfong


    Welcome to the Forum :thumbs:
  12. :welcome: I've got a tank with central american cichlids, two with african cichlids, one fry tank with jewels, then a few communitys slowly being turned into planted tanks.
  13. rayfong


    Let's see, the 90 gallon has 2 parrots that I inherited from the previous owner of the tank, and the rest are firemouths, jack dempsey, jewels and red devils. The 75 gallon has blue zebras and electric yellows The 10 has jewel fry and the 30 is currently uninhabited. Raymond
  14. rayfong


    Hi, fairly new to board and thought I'd introduce myself. My name is Raymond and I've been raising fish off and on since about 1999. I just started getting back into it about 6 months ago when I purchased a friends 90 gallon when they downsized from a house to a condo. Now I've got the 90 gallon, 75 gallon, 30 gallon and a 10 gallon. Raymond
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