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Everything posted by darrin34

  1. riverfront had a good selection of shrimp not sure what they were going for
  2. leopard frog, snowball or a bristle nose would be cool
  3. canadian is a bit pricey for shrimp ' problay find them here from someone who has bred them i know river front has a few deffrent shrimp rightnow
  4. i never shut off filters . there is enough good water in the tank to keep the chlorine from killing bacteria only thing i shut off is the heaters. besides prime works almost emediatly . only major thing is to make sure water is same temp as the water in your tank
  5. cool congrats . its neat seeing shrimplets swiming all over the place . when i had my shrimp tank had tons and tons of babies , is a good feeling forsure
  6. there good hardy little fish i have kept them . also there good in little groups my buddy had a nice size group in his tropheus tank . there fun to watch just like little construction crew always digging around there shells . also you want about 2 shells per fish u get . i had three when i had them and they used them all . nice thing also they are a comunity breading so dont have to wory about others eating the fry when they are hatched also another way to go is a simmilis wich is the same just stripes are deffrent River front aquariams has a few deffrent kinds of shellies and has multies
  7. wow that is one verry nice shrimp tank . congrats on the holding females i think is so funny how they gotta wadle when they walk .
  8. awsome tank fish look so healthy , would the arrow or the rays eat that brisstle nose ?
  9. only thing i would get is the macaroni looking stuff then load it up with other stuff i have in my one fx5 that is blowing micro bubbles for some reason
  10. looking to get a ehime pro 3 2028 where is best place for pricing i want the one that pumps out 450gph
  11. i have 26 dubosi and 12 black sp.kriska the coloring on the black ones are awsome 2.5inches and got a realy nice yellow band already . hope you enjoy your fish i love tropheus . nothing but tickled pink having them
  12. would be cool if u turned it into a huge planted tank . killifish , mollys, sounds nerdy but a massive scoll of fancy guppies. but they would probaly get sucked into your filter. realy nice plecos . school of zebra corries. maybe even that hump head glass fish , it is a type of tetra i think . a nice pleco would be a snowball . or a peppermint pleco . maybe some zebra . just if your fish have small mouths can get some real exotic plecos and nice cats . also a realy cool pleco is a spiny monster , just some things thought of
  13. what do you wanna know about them ???
  14. hey sean i found this sight that sells them if this will help at all there pricy gadgets http://www.apogeeinstruments.com/quantum/coral-aquariums.html
  15. do u have any tang gobies hopefuly jeweled ones
  16. i just got these guys http://www.cichlidexplorer.com/wp-content/uploads/Tropheus-sp-Black-Kiriza.jpg they look pretty close to what u want
  17. yes they do they ate all my cadupunctatus fry grrrr
  18. i have in a 175g 26 tropheus dubosi 13 blue flash cyps (sardines) 12 black kriska sp. kaiser 2 tropheus
  19. i have a snowball and a leopard frog pleco in my tropheus tank also a flagtail so no green stuff in my tank lol
  20. i had a fluval 405 leaked out a quarter of my 170 i talked to the fluval guy at pisces pets in calgary he even said they were a junky filter .
  21. awsome tank would u give me some pointers on setting up a 170
  22. cause i am dumb and didnt know how to add pics properly here is some more
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