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Central Alberta Member
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Everything posted by ÐÉÅÑ

  1. Cool fish, hes got quite the wingspan.
  2. As I understand it "The Water Cooler" section is more for non-aquaria related topics (correct me if Iam wrong) but since people often find no real specific section for their post it ends up understandably in the generic section "The Water Cooler". I thought it might be helpful to create a generic aquaria section, kinda like "General Aquaria Discussion". Just a thought :boom:
  3. If your fish are still alive then I doubt your nitates are at 500ppm (my nitrate tester only goes up to 160ppm).
  4. http://s6.invisionfree.com/AlbertaAquatica...?showtopic=2504
  5. Does it change its colors, like the one I saw on tv?
  6. There are 33g long tanks (48 x 12½ x 13), but I think they are quite rare.
  7. http://badmanstropicalfish.com/paludarium/paludarium.html http://www.plantedtank.net/forums/showthread.php?t=10850
  8. Well its good to see some actually building a stand properly, finishing job also looks good. -ham-
  9. Very little around here :banned:
  10. From what I read , I thought that fiberglass wasnt totaly inert and did leach some chemicals into the tank.
  11. Depends on how big the tank is, it might not be so cost affective.
  12. Fishstreet what substrate do you have and are you running co2? Your tank looks awsome, jood job :thumbs: .
  13. Take the cories out and put in some syno's.
  14. Ok, I was under the impression that leds give off little to no heat.
  15. What is producing the heat your concerned about?
  16. Those are some pretty cool pics, good job. :thumbs:
  17. The one thing you could do is add a group equal or larger than the first.
  18. Larlor, just wondering how many did you get?
  19. Looks like a hybrid to me. Just kidding, nice fish Neil.
  20. Pacu Lady I hope you dont mind but I made the pictures a bit brighter.
  21. Cool !!! I have a few questions, - What are the dimensions ? - Whats it made of ?
  22. I agree with Neil, most diy backgrounds are just for show. The problem with adding a diy background and real rocks, is getting them to match. links ---> http://www.thecichlidgallery.com/article_styrobackground.htm http://www.duboisi.com/diy/BNdiygrotto/bndiygrotto.htm
  23. No, thats a myth. Compared to New Worlds they're quite the lookers. :P
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