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Everything posted by bottomdweller_fan

  1. :welcome: Welcome to Alberta Aquatica! You came to the right place to talk about fish. Pictures are also appreciated
  2. :welcome: Welcome to Alberta Aquatica! Just take it one step at a time and before you know it, you will be enjoying a watery new world.
  3. These snails are so new in the hobby they don't know much about them. I am not sure if they need 2 sexes or if they are like Malaysian Trumpet snails where the females can give birth without a male. Hopefully, they will have more babies and I will have a better idea of how they reproduce.
  4. :welcome: Welcome to Alberta Aquatica!!
  5. They only seem to have a few babies at a time, like MTS. In fact, they are not as prolific as MTS. In the 2-3 months that I have had them, I have only seen the 3 babies.
  6. I found them at a local fish store. They are all sold out now.
  7. They sometimes go partway under the sand but most of the time just roam the tank. There are 3 babies, they seem to grow very slowly.
  8. I finally have pictures of my sulawesi snail babies! They were born about 4 weeks ago. The pictures show the largest one, there are also 2 others. They are Tylomelania sp. For those interested, the tank information is: Volume: 21 US gallons (79.5 litres) pH: 8.03 ammonia: 0 ppm nitrites: 0 ppm nitrates: 0-5 ppm kH: 71.6 ppm Temperature: 24 - 25°C Fairly heavily planted, sand substrate, sponge filter, other tank mates are: red cherry shrimp, black crystal shrimp (bee), tiger shrimp, orange shrimp (Caridina sp.), amano shrimp, Malaysian trumpet snails, pond snails Adult and baby Adult eating Should I come out?
  9. Beautiful pics Taylor! Between you and Patrick I have all the motivation I need to try to understand my new camera!!
  10. Gorgeous as always, Patrick. I just got a new digital SLR camera - I may have to come see you for some lessons (just kidding )
  11. Great pictures and beautiful fish, Paul. Just a note of caution. I had a knight goby in a freshwater tank for about 4 months when she started to swell up and get red sores on her sides. I put her in a quarantine tank and over time increased the salt level to 1.005 specific gravity. She started to heal up and now I have her in a brackish tank. They must have some salt in their water or you are likely to see some problems with yours. Just my two cents. Good luck with them, they are a lot of fun to watch.
  12. It can also be insurance. If the filter or powerhead you are using stops working, you at least still have some oxygenation in the tank until you spot and fix the problem.
  13. Beautiful tanks. I really like the driftwood in the cichlid tank.
  14. :welcome: It is good to see you back. Where are you from?
  15. :welcome: Welcome to Alberta Aquatica! Just post any questions and all the very knowledgeable people on here will be very happy to help you. There is also the search function which I find helpful when looking for answers to specific questions.
  16. :welcome: Welcome to Alberta Aquatica! There are lots of cichlid fans on here to chat with.
  17. :welcome: Welcome to Alberta Aquatica!
  18. My condolences on your loss, Nick. She was a beautiful fish.
  19. I found that higher temperatures and increased oxygenation seem to speed things up when I cycle tanks. Just a suggestion. Good luck.
  20. Patrick, you take amazing pictures!! :bow: I bow to your talent!
  21. :welcome: Welcome to Alberta Aquatica! What kind of oddballs do you have?
  22. :welcome: Welcome to Alberta Aquatica and welcome to Edmonton!
  23. :welcome: Welcome to Alberta Aquatica! I think you will find this to be a very knowledgeable and nice group of people.
  24. :welcome: Welcome to Alberta Aquatica! Pictures of your tanks are always welcome.
  25. :welcome: Welcome to Alberta Aquatica! Sil Industrial Minerals Inc. here in Edmonton has 88 lb bags of river sand (SIL 3) that cost about $7.50 each.
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