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Everything posted by Jayba

  1. Looks like a prevention not a treatment. Heat and salt are the best way to get ich dealt with 99% of the time.
  2. I think that little guy came from Harold (Fairdeal)
  3. Jayba

    120G Planted

    I would actually like to see the purigen rig you set up if you have some pictures handy. :-)
  4. Like uwish said. It should settle out. Maybe put better separations in the tank to better carve out territories and multiple nesting areas. My Bolivians always layer at the back of the tank in a corner of a very busy tank. I was amazed to see free swimmers. I thought they were hiding. Nope, they were getting it on...good luck
  5. You could also look into a trio of American Flag Fish. They will eat hair algae like champs. Till you get things sorted out, plus they are nice little fish anyways. Just a thought.
  6. When the flow is greatly decreased. Every 6 months or so. I use fine floss and foam in mine with no bio media. So they gum up pretty easy.
  7. I hadn't realized that NLS had a veggie formula. But never really looked for one. I, as many others are NLS fans through and through. It's my go to. All my pellet foods are NLS, but for a carnivore disc for plecos ANFF is the bomb. I'm not a big fan of flake, just seems messy to me and easily waterlogged.
  8. I have been buying this for a couple of years. Shipping is brutal, but I usually buy lots to make up for it. They have a greens flake you may be interested in. Best Pleco carnivore wafer ever. Come to think of it I have a whack of the algae wafers if you want a sample. http://www.almostnaturaltropicalfishfood.com
  9. Two words.....cash only sales.....;-)
  10. Amazing little fish. Said it somewhere else, sometime. Small, rare and pretty like guppies, but cool unlike most guppies.....I said most. Hehe good luck to all!
  11. Jayba

    120G Planted

    Wow. Looking great! Not to mention the price. Your wife was probably hoping for $200 you wouldn't get much mileage. Maybe a little bit bigger tank than the old one? Well you showed her. Good thing she didn't say $500. Again, looks great
  12. Mine too.Rinse and dunk them in
  13. I ended up putting an FX5 polishing filter on top of the lower layer of foam. Fixed the problem.
  14. I have a sheet of 2"poret foam and half inch pipe and more 1 gallon jars. I'll make you some kits. I'll trade you for something cool.....not sure what, but you have cool fish 'n stuff
  15. I found that Hypansistrus die if not given food that is easy to find/attain and plentiful. They will literally hide and starve to death. Beef heart may be a little much for them to eat being given their size and the tough fiberous nature of beef heart. A bare bottom and dark tank may make it a tad easier for them to get going. Just some stuff that greatly increased my fry life expectancy. Or possibly just coincidence....
  16. For the price a 10 gallon starter kit may be a decent option. Plus with a bit more volume the water parameters will be more stable. Just a thought.
  17. What is liquid CO2. Excel? Nitrates at 60 is way too high for my comfort level. Kinda need more details
  18. So...this may open up some good debate with regard to fry foods, as everyone has an opinion. I have included a copy of the paper published. While trying to find some Cyclol-Eeze I found this interesting paper comparing growth rates of fry and certain types of foods. Argent makes a food, kind if like Golden Pearls but better. Micro sized etc. Its interesting as they use Live brine shrimp as the control group....anyway, I did look into getting some of the Hatchfry Encapsulon for fun and as an alternative to GPs (Golden Pearls). Not sure why, but GPs seem rather one dimensional. No real color, no deep scent. Just blah. Originally I liked them because they have a neutral buoyancy in the water column. I have included what I do for fry. I have been very pleased with the results. The food is good for Rainbows or Hypansistrus plecos. It just needs to settle out for the plecos. They must like it because everyone goes nuts once they smell it. I have been using this concoction to cover a miriad of situations and needs. Using my Jayba mix has a couple specific requirements. The tank must be bare bottom, and there needs to be a clean up crew in the tank. The particular "blend" depends on the type of fish I am trying to raise. I work out of town so the autofeeders is my best friend. My awesome wife sucks waste out of the tank once during the week I am gone. Just don't repeat what I put am about to disclose about what I put in her coffee grinder... My mix is some of the following: 1* Freeze dried Black Worms I put freeze dried black worms in the coffee grinder and chop it for a few minutes until it is literally dust. Works great for surface feeders like rainbows (Eventually it will sink and the plecos get it) 2*New Life Spectrum Reef Micro Feeder Particles I love this stuff. Kinda like small fish starter but better. The particles are dust small but not as consistent size wise. Some are maybe 150 micron all the way down to 50 micron. A good assorted mix of sizes. It eventually sinks into the water column where fry can pick it off. Once it settles, the plecos get it. 3* Sera micron Veggie based fry food. Good quality. Added merely for plant/veggie content. 4* Cyclop-Eeze Great stuff. I don't think it ever sinks. Used sparingly. High in omega 3 and protein. I mix it together based on what the fry is. Seems to work well, and is convient. The fry is always fed and it's not very often I lose a fish. Look forward to the Hatchfry Encapsulon, but the sizes are huge and shipping to Canada makes it unrealistic. Unless some want to share..... What do youe guys use for fry? https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=7&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCgQFjAG&url=http%3A%2F%2Fvideosdigitals.uab.es%2Fcr-vet%2Fwww%2F21239%2Fzebra%2520fish%2520article.pdf&ei=t_l7VKf6AobIsQTKw4DACg&usg=AFQjCNFAeqH7DcqpQHM_XBJJJsuRb2kW4g&sig2=aNneCzUbwVuLIKth4-ba4Q
  19. Personally, I would treat the whole tank Get it over with. The plants will take a bit of a beating but hey. Or you could pull the neon and try and treat them separately with a chance of having to treat the main tank anyways. I'm lazy and would do the whole tank once and just get it over with....
  20. Damn those are sexy! Good work Rick!
  21. Found a memory card in the couch. Had some fish pictures on it. Thought I'd share the good ones Melanotaenia parva Corydoras napoensis Wild Blue Ram x German Blue Ram cross Scleromystax barbatus
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