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Everything posted by jamesbarr

  1. hey, I have a 40 gal with a AC50 and AC20 on it. I have 3 long fin albino plecos (once they get bigger Ill be donating 2 of them elsewhere) 5 spotted Danios, 2 white cloud minnows (survivors from a previous setup), and 2 tequila guppies. I have a real affinity for bottom dwellers and want to get some catfish. Im going to relocate the guppies (i dont like them lol) and buy a few more minnows to take care of the top of my tank, and maybe a couple gouramis or something for the middle of the tank. So, dont know much about cats tho. Any advice for a beginner? What kind should I go for with my size of tank? Thanks
  2. haha great. I guess I can donate it to friends
  3. got a question about this RVT-103. Ive heard about it in several different places when I was looking at relining my tank. Whats so special about this stuff? Is it a tape? All I can seem to gather is that its supposed to be very tough
  4. i was beginning to think that it was a joke all those big tanks!
  5. hey all, I got 3 albino plecos at the auction today and I am having a heck of a time figuring out anything specific about them. I have a 36 gallon tank. How big do they get? Are they heavy eaters? Any information that I can get will help Thanks
  6. hey, I bought some of your hair grass today at the auction. does this one go crazy?
  7. holy mackarel! all the plecos! I got 3 hifin albinos about 8 (i think) spotted danios, some hairgrass, some cabomba (? spelling) and a red plant that I cant remember the name of at the moment. Lol, I went there to get some stuff that I could habour in my 5 gal for a week or so while my 36 gal cycled....... I got the 36gal last spring at the auction, and i relined it (diy walkthough thank you so much author) however I hadnt water tested it yet until I got home from the auction today with a whole lot of urgency lol. Leak test passed thankfully! Thank goodness for Stability. Crossing my fingers..... Also, Im thinking that 3 hifin are a bit much for my tank. Didnt really account for that when I bid...:/ Any thought?
  8. weathershield clear silicone http://www.homehardware.ca/en/rec/index.htm/Paint-D%C3%A9cor/Painting-Supplies/Caulk-Coatings-Seals/Caulking/Silicone/300mL-Clear-Silicone-Sealant/_/N-2pqfZ67l/Ne-67n/No-24/Ntk-All_EN/R-I2031205?Ntt=silicone+caulking&Num=0
  9. p.s. thhe pot thing i was referring to was going to be made from the same rocks as the cave. in case someone thought id be attaching a clay pot or something....
  10. hey all, looking for some ideas for the 36 tal that I just relined today. I was thinking about siliconing a cave together with various rocks and putting a kind of pot on top for some kind of plant that would otherwise take over the tank if not controlled. I thought that it would make piece to surround by vals or some other tall plant so you would see the contained plant mixed in the tall and the cave in the midst in the back corner of the tank. so the reason that I thought Id write about it is to get some feed back about the type of adhesive to use. The only aquarium safe stuff I know of is silicone. but it seems that it may be a pain to get it to hold fast enough to get it all together. Has anyone got any experience with this sort of thing? Thanks for that help
  11. i used the weather shield 35 year. Its says safe for aquariums right on it. no mildew resistant put into it. Ive used this product several times and have had no problems what so ever. I actually just relined a tank with it about an hour ago
  12. hey, maybe this is popular to do, im not too sure. Just wondering if anyone has gotten cryptocoryne to attach to driftwood at all? have a small runner that I would like to try out if it works....
  13. hey thanks for the advice. looking forward to seeing lots of little babies!
  14. Hey all, I got my 36gl tall set up with some anubias, a good quantity of wisteria and some smatterings of moneywort clippings. I currently have it stocked with 10 white cloud minnows, 3 black mollies ( 1 male, 2 females) 3 amano shrimp, 5 ghost shrimp and a bunch of malaysian trumpet snails. I have one Aquaclear 50 and one Aquaclear Mini on there with a 100w heater at 28 Celsius (82F). I run my light from 830 to 830. I want to get my mollies to breed. I had one set of fry that came from Big Als (one female was already preggo) but they have all disappeared. Is there anything that I can do to stimulate them to reproduce? Do I have too many minnows in there? Any advice is welcome. Thanks all, James
  15. go to bumper to bumper or someplace like that and get sandblasting sand. tanish brown sand with some black specs in it. looks good and I got 88lbs of it for 11 bux
  16. Thanks all. Any one have any input regarding my heat concerns?
  17. hey guys, Im trying to get the stuff together to start my 33 gal dwarf cichlid tank but its costs a fortune. Thankfully Im getting a lot of help from the forums and people on here (thanks all) So I am trying to find a light for my tank as the one I got from the auction is a foot too long. My tank is 3 feet long. Im all about aesthetics so that over hang really gets my goat. I can live with it being a little short and sitting on my glass top ( another frugal tip I got from forums). Ive heard about buying shop lights from Canadian Tire or the like. I am curious if they work that great for plants and how ugly they are. How much heat they produce? My glass top was cut simple, just straight across accommodating for my filter and the cords from my power head and heater (it was cheaper to cut that way). I am worried about evaporation. So with that all in mind, any suggestions?
  18. grabbed a bag of silica grit sandbalsting sand. 88lbs for 10 bux! i have tons! I redid my 5 gallon planted today and will be using it for my 33 soon. Water is a little cloudy for now, but its clearing slowly and is looking great in my opinion. the color turned out to be a tan/brown. contrast my plants perfectly. Pictures to come. Thanks for the help you guys. I really appreciate it! James
  19. glad I could help. but fishclubgirls idea sounds like fun too!
  20. http://www.ehow.com/how_7693233_lower-ph-saltwater-aquarium.html read step 4
  21. Vinegar has a PH of 2.4 or so. The only thing that vinegar would do is create an acid burn. I would expect that if you do a PH test in your tank, if you notice anything at all, that you may notice a slightly lower PH reading. Tho I doubt it. My guess is that if you do a water change on your tank that you will see no change in the quality of your tank life. I have a friend that does tank maintenance for a living and he uses vinegar to clean the outside of the tanks all the time. No harm to report this far and its been 5 years running.
  22. hey. the red plant on the left side of my prof. pic is a plant i got at the auction. any ideas what its called?
  23. For ferts, Ive always only used Flourish Excel. Make sure that you dose it appropriately for the tank and you replenish it after your weekly water changes. Ive only ever had issues with low maintenance plant life when I either had not enough nutrients in the water or way too much. This system of fertilizing once a week has been working for my for a few years now. Im not an expert by any stretch but Ive had good luck since doing it this way. Also, your platys will be very happy with you for providing them with more buddies. I had the same number in a 5 gallon, I added 3 more to the tank and the fish acted a lot more relaxed. They will also be quite happy to have some plant life to meander around. In regards to your light. I assume that you just have a standard hood and incandescent bulb in there. If you go to your lps, they should have florescent bulbs that are suited for plant growth. I bought one of these for my tank and noticed a world of difference. Not only did my plants grow and look better, the rest of the tank just plain looked nice by comparison. Just a thought, because its cheap, might cost you 10 dollars at Petsmart or something. One last thought would be the current in your tank. If there is more current in your tank (which your platys will adapt to) your plants will develop stronger stem structures and a more extensive root system. Hope some of this has helped. James
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