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Everything posted by bigbadboss101

  1. The Bolivian rams I have are tiny. May be just over an inch. In the other tank the Blue Acaras are 4 inches or so. With that said the BA do seem pretty gentle.
  2. From reading they say they are pretty docile and ok with fish same size as them. Other Cichlids can be more aggressive though.
  3. 60 gal tank with 2 Blue Acara breeding pair and 1 male, 1 female Red Jewel. The RJs are smaller and the male is a bit territorial. Will see how they get along. Got them today to go with the existing Corys and Plecos.
  4. I was tempted to buy some off a guy but I am afraid they might attack my blue Ram which is quite a bit smaller.
  5. Haven't been around here much. My blue and golden ram seem to be less shy than the Bolivian. They are in separate tanks. Also the Bolivian Rams will look stunned after the water change for a while. The German ones seem to be more tolerable, which is opposite of what I have read. I have had them since April. I didn't lose 3 of the 4 German rams. In that tank I also lost a couple of bettas. In the other tank I see 3 of the 4 Rams. I havent seen or found the 4th.
  6. I got 4 Bolivian Rams in one tank and 4 Blue/gold ram in another. The gold and blue rams seem to be ok with the water change, as well as the plecos, cories, and betta in there. In the other tank after water change the balloon mollys act as if nothing happened. The two albino Cories would sometimes lay upside down, and the 4 rams look dead. The last few times after a while they will be rejuvenated a bit later on. I use the python and do about 25% change, and add prime.
  7. Cross posted.. I picked up 4 Rams from Harold the other day. As they are young it wasn't possible to confirm the gender. We picked out two large and two small ones assume the smaller ones are female. They seem to quite enjoy the 46G at home. It's nicely planted, with drift woods, lava rock. I have two albino corys, one little pleco, and 5 balloon mollies. These rams are pretty colorful and wandering around the tanks. One of the big ones would chase the other big guy and also one of the little ones. The other big one would look at one of the smaller ones. Perhaps a match?? So may be we have one dominate male, a possible pair, and another female. We shall see. They like the spirulina filled brine shrimps this morning.
  8. I am looking to stock a few rams but am doing some homework before doing so. They will be in a planted tank with a few balloon mollies and a few rasboras. I know there are many kinds of dwarf cichilds and at the store I saw some German Gold, German Blue, and Red Ram (Bolivia?). I read somewhere that the Bolivia are more hardy than the GBR. Is it the same for the GGR? Would I be able to say put a pair of each in my 46g? Or would it be better to go with 1 male and 2-3 female of one kind of Ram?
  9. Ah ok. I got the baby brine. The betta's and molly dont notice. I am not sure if the cories and pleco suck them up when they do get to bottom. I turn off the filter for a few minutes when I feed.
  10. True. These are the baby shrimp just weird the bettas were not all over them. I have cories and plecos too.
  11. I got some of these the other day. What I do is to put one cube into a little lid and put the aquarium water in to melt the cube. Then I dump the food into the tank but looks like the fish dont see them? I can see tiny air bubble like particles in the water but not of the fish are going after them. I thought the frozen brine shrimp would be bigger. What's up with this?
  12. The other day I found some eggs underneath one of the ornaments. One or both of the new plecos I traded for layed some eggs.I have one male Pleco, and three females. Also in the 60g tank are bunch of cories, and 5 bettas. Should I move the ornament to a small tank? Should the male go along? After he does his thing all he does is to guard against othe fishes? The Aquaclear 110 is quite strong and I usually adjust it to half strength.
  13. I have had our 4 female Bettas in our 60 gal community tank. They got along reasonably well meaning they don't really chase each other for a long distance. I did notice the pecking order changed a couple times. Last night I noticed our red betta chasing the blue betta. Couple weeks ago the order was blue, red, white, brown. Today I see the white chasing the red and blue, the red chasing the blue and brown. The blue didn't show aggression. Our brown (uglier) Betta also tend to venture to the bottom of the tank more. Anyways hopefully there will be no casualties. May be they are stressed because I changed the filter yesterday.
  14. That is my understanding. A male Betta can be with females for a short period of time before some damage is done. As for where to buy females. I have seen nice ones at Riverfront where they live in same tanks. One can find some at Pisces too and they do have some healthy looking ones.
  15. I do notice a small bit of green algae (very little) and quite a bit of brown, furry algae. Right now I have the lights on 10 hours a day and minimal direct sunlight. Should I reduce the running time? I also added some Flourish Excel. Black beard algae?
  16. I did order Finnex Plant+ from Amazon. Let see how that is!
  17. I have a 60 gal tank with community fish. Plants dont do well as the office have not much sun light. Lot of plants have passed but the one that looks like long grass (sorry dont know any names) is still doing ok. The canopy and lighting I have I think is just some cheap fluorescent light. Would fluval quad t5 or Aqualife Edge Led be a good choice? Both are I think around $200 for a 36". Would like make much difference for plant life? For brightness and color it would for sure. Wondering if it's worth spending the $. Substrate is fine sand from Pisces.
  18. You are in Calgary? I like male bettas but I also like having more than one so I ended up adding 4 females to my community tank. There is a pecking order but the top 2 changes. One day the red one chases the blue and next day it's the other way around. 3rd line is the pearl color one and the small brown one is 4th. No damage though, just some chasing.
  19. In our 60G tank we now have 3 clown loach, 4 corys, 2 bn plecos, 1 rubber lip pleco, 4 balloon mollys and 2 platties. For some reasons the guppies decided to get sick and then get sucked onto the intake. What should I add? A female betta or two? Some Tetras?
  20. I combined my tanks and the Botia (sp?) sometimes chases my Clown Loaches. The Botia is twice the length of the loach. Don't think it's doing much damage however. The clown loaches seem to be happier now that the plattys are in there as well as the corys. I am down to two corys so I am going to pick up 2 or more at the LPS.
  21. Good to read all the advices. I am in the same boat. 13 days away and was worried about having someone over every day. But every 3 days is more than reasonable.
  22. The BN Plecos I like. They seem to be sturdy unlike the Corys I have. Plus they scoot around more and clean the tank more. I think I will get some for my smaller tank where the Cory's are.
  23. Even if there is no female in sight? I have a very nice male short fin betta (the were labelled as female at Pisces) that I want to put in our community tank. Only thing is he is kinda aggressive and I am afraid he will cause choa.
  24. Welcome! Enjoy and keep us posted. And don't worry what the wife says. Kidding of course.
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