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A-A Mentor
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Everything posted by skinless

  1. wasn't expecting the fm. nice great pics
  2. those are some hard pipin mofos. SAGITTAE!!
  3. yep no aeration will lead to that. bubble nest will contribute further to the surface scum issues.
  4. pardon my terminology cj ~ i think of polymech as a type of sponge/mechanical component. murmade, that's a good idea.
  5. congrats on the find. get some vids on yt and ship it.
  6. i've used polymech cut to fit the cartridge slots on my emps without a problem. cheap and no nasty carbon required. cleanings a breeze.
  7. I believe the trick is done with magnets and a metallic diet of sorts for those amazing goldies.
  8. bettas will jump an inch or two to retrieve food from a fingertip no prob ime.
  9. heck i've used aerosol spray black. tagged some smaller tanks in the past. when painting the back of a tank externally, just make sure to do a good job. flash it with the fluorescent to check for uneven spots.
  10. lol lavalife for fish. here's an updated pic; enjoys: water changes dislikes: water changes
  11. Definitely a good idea to vacuum your gravel when performing water changes on most freshwater tanks.
  12. RIP hope the draft picks work out.
  13. those gotta be the coolest pics i've seen on aa. sounds like an awesome experience.
  14. I used to use the masking tape tabs. good for a mess of cords/powerbars.
  15. so no caps is really faux pas on forums? i'm hella lazy when it comes to capitalization.
  16. the steppin part sounds harsh. RIP
  17. great pics. looking forward to march 09 update lol
  18. skinless


    yeah keep em both if you can.. your fish will likely appreciate the extra filtration. and if one ever screws up, the backup is already running. and it will help quite alot when you start to set up more tanks lol. enjoy
  19. victory. i've had the opposite happen. old,large female + new arrival juvie male mated within days, eggs within a week.
  20. the home depot play sand is also an option. it'll work for ya too. 55lb sack might be enough for a 65g.
  21. bad luck ? if you can buy a con, it can most likely already breed. nearly every sales tank i've ever seen has a pair ready to give er. water parameters/variables are an afterthought with convicts. keep it consistent - keep em fed - wait and see.
  22. skinless


    i like the stealth heaters. can take a beating.
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