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Everything posted by 2manytanks

  1. I know the cheap sliding ones you are referring to, they are a pain. Our Marineland 120g has a glass top (4 pieces of glass with hinges to join 2 together on each side) with hinged front sections of glass. It's very sturdy and much easier to gain access than the sliding glass is. Being Marineland they should be quite easy to find and probably wouldn't cost any more than about $40. I'd give Gold's, Riverfront and Pisces a try.
  2. Looks like a Striped Raphael to me too.
  3. 2manytanks


    He He. Here we go. Welcome to AA.
  4. The Rena XP2 that finaddict has for sale right now for $65 would be great for you. Depending on how you have the tank stocked though, I may go for more than just the XP2, use it and add an HOB like an AQ110.
  5. Base rock would not be live. If your main concern is just filling up the tank with rock structure it's fine, and you'd have the added benefit of not having to wait for the rock to cure. In addition it would eventually become "live" as bacteria and other inhabitants of the "live" rock you already have spread and establish themselves in your new base rock. But, you'd have to make sure the rock is safe for use in your saltwater tank, and preferably very porous so that there is lots of surface area for the bacteria to establish themselves in - rock like Neely suggested. It'll also be a long time before it looks as nice as the real live rock. I haven't been into salt for long, so that's about all I can add. EDIT: And of course the base rock isn't going to contribute to the filtering of your water until it does become colonized with bacteria from your other rock, so you'll need to keep a bit of a closer eye on your water quality and be more careful not to over-populate the tank.
  6. Yup, we have 3 buffalo heads - I think they're great, really comical to watch and they seem pretty intelligent too. Have 2 girls and a boy, and I'm hoping.
  7. Contrary to popular opinion, we have great luck with anenomes in our 12g nano. We have 2 small clowns in it and each has it's own small bubble tip anenome. The bubble tips seem to grow very slowly and don't get that big, they, the fish and the corals are all doing extremely well.
  8. Saw an interesting item for sale in Edmonton yesterday. It'd be a lot of fun, but only if you had a MASSIVE tank. One of the LFS's (sorry, I can't remember which one now) had a live Cat Shark egg case for sale. Boy, that would be neat, but for how long?
  9. You got my interest up, so I had to check them out on the internet, here's some of what I found about them : "This species is difficult to keep in captivity. Although hardy and easy to feed, they tend to climb out of the water along the top lip of the aquarium. They then seal themselves shut awaiting high tide (which, of course, never comes) and the snail eventually dries out and dies. Another problem is a strange inability to right themselves if turned upside down. The snails, if not turned over by hand, remain upside down, unable to feed." I found mention of them in the Gulf of Mexico, so they must be able to stand warmer water. I'd be really tempted to try some out but there is too much talk of them climbing out of tanks.
  10. Are you talking about useing them as food? Or do they actually have live ones? What size? Could be a nice treat for my puffers, but I don't need any for my reefs.
  11. What a neat idea. I love it. Wish I had enough room underneath my tank to set up something like that.
  12. Every heater I've looked at has the line marked something like "minimum water level". The heater is to be submersed at least until that line if not all the way. It must be submersed to that line or further to ensure it doesn't overheat.
  13. To me that is one of the most interesting parts of a reef tank, discovering all of the new critters and plants that appear as time goes by. The changes that occur over the first few months are just amazing, and discovering some new coral or other creature you hadn't planned on is more fun than going out and buying one. Well most of the time anyways, I have had a few I would rather do without.
  14. Where did you get them? They are both stunning, I'm a bit scared of trying to keep an urchin though.
  15. Nice looking mushrooms in the background too. Oh, and I didn't know kids were in season. What's the limit?
  16. That's the one that caught my eye too. I wish I had time to get up there - although I want Reef Crystals. I think I'm going to phone and see if they have the same deal on them too, if so I'll have to make the time. I can't get Reef Crystals in Red Deer, so if I have to make the drive anyways I might as well do it while there's a smoking deal like that on.
  17. That's for sure. And you can hear them crunch from outside the tank too.
  18. SSSShhhh!!! Keep it down or everyone will want one.
  19. 2manytanks

    New to AA

    Nice to see someone else who names their fish.
  20. The foot does look pretty pale, but it looks like it has lots of colour in the tentacles. And it sounds like you have very adequate lighting - I've read that bubble tips don't like too intense lighting and will usually situate themselves a bit further from the light, and from the behaviour of my own, that seems to be true. All of mine have set themselves up in the lower reaches of the tank and partly into overhangs where they are not completely in the direct light. As far as it shriveling up and withdrawing from the light goes - hard to tell. Ours are very happy and growing really well but they will shrivel up like that from time to time as well. Also, before they split to produce a daughter anemone they will show the same behaviour. One of our bubble tips has split twice, and we've only had it for about 2 weeks, pretty good, wound up with 3 for the price of one. Make sure to cut the prawns up quite small, and maybe throw in some bloodworms and brine shrimp. I also soak mine in various coral foods and plankton and amino acid & vitamin supplements. Oh one more thing, if you feed it by hand can you feel the tentacles gripping your fingers? That and the colour of the anemone seem to be pretty good indications of it's health.
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