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Thanks, Jason!

I got the driftwood in as well as a number of anubias nana and anubias afzelii.


On the far left where all the wisteria is for the moment I think I will plant an amazon sword and possibly put in some kind of small slate rock formation. Still more plants to come!

Edited by Shai
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: ) Thanks!

Well...week's not over yet but it's been "one of those" all around.

As far as the 55 goes, I may not have the luxury of waiting another week to add more fish. One of my pandas has taken to being a pretty motionless lump on the gravel. He's eating and he swims around occasionally, has no physical signs of illness like fungus or ich or anything, so I figure the new tank has brought out that longing for companions to school with, and he's depressed because there aren't any other than his twin.

Problem is, today I noticed my betta has a single white dot on his body. We all know what that means. *sigh* I suspect he may not be handling the current very well and has gotten a bit stressed, giving ich an opportunity. I've turned the filter down as far as it will go now to reduce the flow (I had it set at half before), but in the meantime have to start treating him. Plus I'll have to keep an eye on the panda to make sure he doesn't end up with it too. Add to that the need to introduce more pandas to hopefully cure my little guy of depression...oy. Could be a mess. I only have one tank with which I can quarantine, so I feel stuck. Do I quarantine the betta and hope the new pandas don't introduce anything or end up sick themselves (not to mention the rest of the tank), or treat the betta in the 55g (which would be very expensive medication-wise), quarantine the pandas, and hope the depressed one hangs in there? Tough choice.

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I would suggest treating the main tank with salt and a high temp -- 86*. According to this the betta can handle that temp. That isn't an expensive treatment even on your size tank. The only potential problem is that you're going to have to increase surface agitation which could be rough for the betta. Or get a good bubble wand, that should do the trick.

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also, when doing the salt treatment - use Kosher salt, or canning and pickling salt. They both are 100% PURE SALT, and are much much cheaper than aquarium salt.

Do not use regular table salt, as it contains additives to prevent caking and keep it all smooth and free flowing that are harmful to your fish.

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I don't know how "kosher" this advice may sound, but the last time I saw ich in any of my tanks (been several years), I just upped the temp - no salt, no meds, just hi 85F temps for 10 days. The high temp speeds up the ich lifecycle and increases the fishes' metabolism. Keep them fed well and do at least a couple WCs in this time, and the fish should pull through just fine.

Again, this is advice from my experience. I'm the K.I.S.S kinda guy - I don't have any meds on hand and don't own a test kit. But, I do 50% WCs every week on just about every tank (14 at the moment). Been working well for me for a few years, now.

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Thanks everyone. Week's finally over, and thank goodness!

I've been reading up on ich and have found the heat therapy method recommended in many places. Since buying enough meds to treat a 55g tank for the appropriate amount of time is not financially reasonable, I'm going to go that route instead.

I do have reservations about heat therapy though...information I've been able to find on pandas says they are most comfortable in temps no higher than 25C, which is 77F. He's already stressed so I don't want to add to it and perhaps kill him because of the increase in temperature, even if I only go one degree per day until I hit 30C. It will take me five days to get to that temperature (I have read recommendations of going one degree per hour, but in a 55g tank I would imagine the entire water volume would not be heated through in an hour, plus it seems somewhat fast to me). I suppose I could try two degrees per day, once in the morning before I leave for work, and again in the evening when I come home. I'll have to see how the panda reacts.

A bubble wand sounds like a good idea. I was thinking about getting one for decorative purposes anyway, so I'll look into it. But if worst comes to worst I'll just lower the water level in the tank so the filter creates more splash at the same flow rate.

I've read a lot of conflicting information about salt in freshwater aquariums. Many people say it doesn't really do anything, so I'm not sure I want to add it at all.

Wish me luck! I haven't had any fish losses to date, don't want to start now!

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Temperature fluctuations aren't a huge deal with riverine species like Corys. In rivers, temperature can fluctuate drastically as rivers wind through forests, into the sunshine, creating pools, etc.

Maintaining a long-term temp in the high 70s is best for most tropical fish, but short (ie. 7-10 day) periods of elevated temps should not be harmful. Just make sure there's an increase in surface agitation.

I'm not sure what is wrong with your Panda - if he hasn't been eating for a while, and he's been pretty listless for several days, you may not be able to save him - adding more Corys may not be the best course of action right now.

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Temperature fluctuations aren't a huge deal with riverine species like Corys. In rivers, temperature can fluctuate drastically as rivers wind through forests, into the sunshine, creating pools, etc. Maintaining a long-term temp in the high 70s is best for most tropical fish, but short (ie. 7-10 day) periods of elevated temps should not be harmful.

Good to know, thanks!

I'm not sure what is wrong with your Panda - if he hasn't been eating for a while, and he's been pretty listless for several days, you may not be able to save him - adding more Corys may not be the best course of action right now.

He's been listless for several days, but I have seen him eating, so I have hope he will pull through! I understand why adding more cories is probably not a good idea, but it's hard to resist the tempation to run out and get some, because I want him to be happy!

For now I'll see how it goes. I'll feel really bad if he dies, I'm quite attached to him and his twin (I even named them...Dash and Delta...Dash is the listless/depressed one). Until all this started I was planning to add more plants today or tomorrow. Should I still go ahead with that? They would at least contribute a bit more oxygen.

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[them...Dash and Delta...Dash is the listless/depressed one). Until all this started I was planning to add more plants today or tomorrow. Should I still go ahead with that? They would at least contribute a bit more oxygen.

Don't forget they take away oxygen after dark.

Just on the safe side, I will not add anything (plant or fish) until the tank is good again.

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It might be a moot point where Dash is concerned... Today when I got up and checked on him, his right fin is all covered in fungus and the area of his body where the fin attaches to it is red and irritated-looking. He's breathing heavily too.

I'll make a post in the Emergencies forum since I've never had a fish get sick like this before either. : (

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The dual filters are an excellant sugestion as you can alternate cleaning them and always have a good bacteria culture. If you use a canister you casn run hoses through the existing filter hole. Or you could use an internal filter.

Edited by Sam Chicklets
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Thanks Sam! I'll keep that in mind for when I'm going to be adding more fish. : )

Well, nobody else appears to be sick, thankfully! Delta, the other panda, has been active and eating, so I'm hoping he continues to stay that way. I know I need to get him some companions soon, but with the weather, I'm concerned about being able to keep the water in the baggie from shifting in temperature. Pandas are expensive and I don't want to buy more just to give them the chills and subsequently ich...

I still have the water level lowered for increased aeration, as I still have the temperature up, but I think tomorrow after I do my water change I will fill the tank up all the way and bring the temperature back down.

This is what it looks like now:


I'm going to get another piece of driftwood for the left side of the tank and I'm thinking about the same for the right side (I'll take the castle out and replant the java fern). I'm going to try to get some pieces that are tall so as to help break up the current and give the betta some places to rest. I'll probably have to rearrange the current aquascaping a bit.

If I can get some Brazilian micro sword, that would be great too. Also still thinking about a bubble wand. Plus, I'm going to pick up a background, I'm tired of seeing my wallpaper through the tank. ^^

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Ta da!

So far I still haven't been able to find any Brazilian micro sword, which I want to put on the right side. Other than that I'm going to leave the tank alone for a while to let everything settle in and fill out. The amazon swords are sprouting new leaves already and the anubiases are also starting to show new growth. The java ferns are reproducing like crazy too, I don't know what I'm going to do with them all.

No new additions fish-wise, it's still way too cold outside (-40C with the windchill!). But soon!

Edited by Shai
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