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A note on dithers....


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I've never really been happy with how skittish my WC mbuna seem to be. They're at my parents place (in the Hat - I'm in Calgary), and I've been working out of the Hat for the last couple of weeks. There's not a lot of activity around them when I'm gone, and they always seem extremely skittish whenever anyone walks in the room - even from 15 feet away they all dart off into the corners.

I finally had enough of this, and picked up 9 'Australian Rainbows' from the LFS - all 2-3" - smaller than most of the cichlids (not sure the species, this is what they were labelled as, even though he had Bosemani's and others labelled correctly). After having them in quarantine for almost 3 weeks, they've now been in with the WC mbuna for at least a week. Huge different in behaviour already. The cichlids basically ignore the rainbows (there are a few nipped fins, but from what I've seen, due to not yet knowing their place), and they're out all the time now. You can actually walk up to the tank, and other than the little flury, they don't all take off and hide anymore.

I was very apprehensive about adding anything to this tank as dithers, but so far, the rainbows seem to working out really well (and yes Neil, they've been after NLS from day one just like the cichlids). I would've prefered the Tang killies as dithers, but don't have the time to raise them right now (from the post a couple months back for eggs for sale).

Does anyone else use dithers in any of their tanks, and what are your thoughts?

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That’s interesting Kyle, I have my f1 yellows in a 30 gal by themselves and boy are they skittish, even the larger 2" males I have in there run and hide whenever anyone goes near the tank, they will even grab the food and run.

What would you guys suggest I could use for dithers in this tank, sounds like the rainbows you have in your tank may work out just fine Kyle were they pricey and how many did you use.



I finally had enough of this, and picked up 9 'Australian Rainbows' from the LFS - all 2-3" -

Sorry, only on my 3rd cup of coffee I will be all right. :blush:

Edited by tc51
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I have large gouramis in my tank, because they are open swimmers (don't hide) the ciclids, I understand, interpret this as there being no outside threat or predator with the result of the cichlids being less skittish. I think any fish that doesn't mind being in with cichlids and does not generally use hiding as first defence would be good.

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I actually picked up the rainbows at 3 for $10, pretty good deal I thought. From my experience so far with them, I'd recommend them as dithers for just about any Malawians or Tangs. They seem to be peaceful enough, which is why I chose them over barbs (another option I was considering, but since I've never kept them and only heard about them being 'nippy', thought if they nipped the wrong cichlid, that would be the end of them!).

Another dither that I've also heard great results with is giant danios - I was actually leaning towards them just b/c they're cheaper, until I saw these rainbows on sale. You basically want something that's fast enough to get away from the cichlids (should they need to), and comfortable being out in the open (or just too stupid to run and hide!).

I personally wouldn't use gouramis b/c I know that my cichlids would have no trouble keeping up with them; the rainbows are quite a fast fish and have no trouble outrunning the cichlids.

For numbers, probably best to go with 6+. I would think that you'd need enough of them to feel comfortable as a group and be out in the open all the time, as well as enough that if the cichlids did decide to start chasing them, they wouldn't get single out as easily. Remember, my tank is a completely established tank of full size, breeding cichlids (no new fish since I got the WC's over 18 months ago), and probably wouldn't accept new, slower fish the way that other fish would if they were grown up together and they were always there.

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My experience was that my Gouramis can swim faster scared than my Cichlids can mad.

As I showed you when you were at my house they seemed to calm the cichlids down and none of the gouramis are missing fins or feelers. But you are right there are probably more obvious choices. BTW my fish are now pushing 6 to 7 inches and the gouramis are about 4. The king of the tank right now is a 3 inch male red zebra that I got from Riverfront. He has chewed on my 6 inch nyerei's tail but doesn't touch the gouramis ^_^

Edited by HOSStile
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I wasn't using them as dithers but i added some platies and zebra danios to my malawis before. I had nowhere else to move them to so i thought i woudl try it with my africans. Bad idea, all 3 zebra danios managed to jump out the 1" tiny gap in the back of my canopy and the platies were attacked by the africans. One platy had its whole bottom jaw ripped off.

If i were to use dithers i woudl stick to a bit larger species like the rainbows or giant danios. Seems the little guys can't defend themselves or take attacks from the larger fish.

One weird thing i have noticed with ym fish is that they aren't scared of me but if someone else comes in the room they hide. I can run right up to the tank and all the fish come swimming up to greet me. But if someone else even walks into the room they hide, they will eventually come back out but remain quite spooked. Its weird how they can tell the difference in the person.

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A purist would never use dithers, especially in a tank full of WC Africans. :P

My tanks are all in high traffic areas, and the only time the fish hide is when someone they don't know walks into the room. (or puts their face up to the tank) Even then they will calm down within a few minutes & come out from hiding.

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