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Everything posted by rayfong

  1. Where to start, last summer or spring I picked up 6 of these guys from Big Al's. I housed them in a fluval edge with established sand and media from one of my other tanks. Two of them died on me leaving me with four. I keep them on a diet of baby brine shrimp. Water is just plain old Edmonton tap water, no added salt except what is on the baby brine shrimp that I feed them. In October I noticed a baby pipefish. This guy and I think he has a sibling have survived and are just starting to color up now. As young they are a very dull grey and very hard to see against the sand. They are literally the size of a .5mm pencil lead and maybe 1/2 inch long. Currently it seems the parents were at it again and I have close to a dozen of the little guys swimming around. I will get some pictures up of the adults soon and hopefully I will be able to get some pictures of the babies once they get big enough.
  2. I have kept tropheus, some successfully and others not so. The minimum group would be 12 fish hopefully more males than females, ideal ratio would be 1 male for 3 females. When I had my tank set up I had 2 or 3 rock piles with the females roaming the tank and a male setting up base camp at one of the rock piles. NLS is a good food for tropheus. NLS is a good food for tropheus, I have kept a group solely on that. I also have a friend that fed them NLS and brine shrimp once a week. With tropheus, make sure you have an established tank, keep up with your water changes, they can handle large water changes as my friend changed 50% of the water twice a week. And when feeding keep an eye on them and keep Metronidizole on hand in case you get bloat. I know punman, doc polit and darrin88 have kept or are keeping tropheus now.
  3. There will be tickets for the dinner and the final speaker, $20/person. The talks in the afternoon will be no charge. I will double check. If you are already a member of ACE when you contact Michael to let him know how many lots you need, also let him know how many tickets for the dinner you will need.
  4. Nice picture, looks like a high grade of crystal shrimp, I think at least ss
  5. Next meeting When: Tuesday Mar 1, 2011 @ 7:30 PM (Regular meetings on the first Tuesday of each month, September to June) Where: St Benedict Catholic Elementary School 18015 93 Avenue (2 blocks west of WEM) Edmonton, Alberta Please enter through the west doors, remove wet and dirty footwear in the foyer, then enter directly into the library. The parking lot is a bit small, but there is plenty of street parking in the area. Regular club meetings will now be held in this location.
  6. The Aquarium Club auction is also a great place to pick up plants. Out next auction will be on March 20th.
  7. The fish will probably survive the trip. Harold makes the trip to Edmonton a few times a year with a lot of fish and they make it through ok. At the fish club auctions, we have fish in bags for at least twelve hours and they are ok. One thing to put into the bags is something called bag buddies, it definitely helps.
  8. An update on my lists: Geophagus sp. red head tapajos Mesonauta insignis Dicrossus filamentosa Pterophyllum scalare Apistogramma cacatuoides
  9. I've kept multis and julies together and both were fine, I kept rockwork near the back and the shells near the front.
  10. rayfong

    3.5G Planted

    The second one looks good, as for black rock, I've got a bunch sitting around the house right now that I'm not using. I used it for an African tank but no longer have many africans.
  11. It could be normal, I know when I'm surfing and there is a picture on a forum that I am not a member, a message says that I cannot view the image as I am not a member of said forum.
  12. ACE is having the workshop weekend March 18th - 20th. March 18th will just be a social. March 19th is the workshop. March 20th will be the auction.
  13. Now if any people attending would like to donate plants, fish for our monthly raffle do let me know. We have been getting good selections for the first few months and I would like to continue that.
  14. You could also house some macro algae in the sump, plus increasing the water volume is good, especially for a salt water tank where it can go downhill really fast.
  15. I've used a product called Joe's Juice which works, only thing is you have to squirt it into its disc otherwise it won't kill it. Peppermint shrimp also work, when I couldn't get all of my aiptasia with the Joe's Juice I got a couple and they cleaned house. With your edge the best bet is probably Peppermint shrimp as you only have a small opening to work with.
  16. That 'anemone' looks like aiptasia. But your build looks good, well thought out.
  17. Big Al's Edmonton has them in, I believe they are silver ghost about toonie size for $18.99 I think. But that is the only place I've seen them besides from Harold, and Harold has a bigger selection.
  18. Pretty much all of my fish are onto pellets. Exceptions are my freshwater pipefish which I have to feed live brine shrimp to. Standard diet of my 180 is 3mm pellets. Everything in there eats that, from the silver dollars to the bichirs and the thin bar datnoids. The silver dollars would take a pellet and do the old spit and catch routine until it was all gone. When I had my lima shovelnose, indo dat, red tail giant gourami and bocourti, they would eat the 10mm as well. They would eat that in one gulp and be done with it. The only frozen food any of my fish get on occasion is brine shrimpm blood worms or mysis shrimp.
  19. I might have to agree with syno321 on the corys, but either way they still look great. I can't wait to see the rest of what came in or is coming in.
  20. She will be bringing her lighting setup for picture taking for the website but you can bring your own for display.
  21. I've got a group, I think Sherlock has a group. Big Als currently has some in stock as well.
  22. Look at Spencer Jack's list. I've seen some different Thorichthys species at different times on his list.
  23. I've had them briefly. I think Frank on the board has Gymnogeophagus 'paso pasche', not too sure if he still has them.
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