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Everything posted by rayfong

  1. I've moved up to a 40 gallon although the 40 I had to remove almost all of the water except for a few inches. 10's and 20's I move by myself about half full. Raymond
  2. I also bought a full set up last year. I bought along all of my buckets and put the live rock in them along with enough water to cover them all. I left the sand in the tank. A lot of the rock had zoos on them. Managed to get them all moved and in and I didn't have too much die off.
  3. Oh damn, sorry about your loss, those fish were nice too. Raymond
  4. I rarely see them out during the day, although I did see on in one of Aquarium Illusions tanks.
  5. I think that its completely up to you. There is all sort of debate about bristleworms, are they good or are they bad. I know there is one in my tank right now and no problems. The piece of rock that he hitched in on was from another established tank with a bunch of zoos on it and he hasn't made a meal of my fish so far.
  6. It all depends on the betta, I had a crowntail that I had in with cherry barbs, rasbora hets and corydoras and he was fine. I've also had another betta that I had in with amano shrimp and otocinclus that did ok too.
  7. It can be normal, sometimes new fish will take a few days before they begin to eat. I've had fish that don't eat for 3-4 days after I get them.
  8. rayfong


    Welcome to the board. What kind of fish do you keep?
  9. Well my pair are still going at it, so if you need a female in the future let me know. Raymond
  10. updated: subtract Thorichthys meeki Geophagus iporangensis add: Heros notatus Apistogramma cacatuoides Apistogramma agassizii Apistogramma nijsseni Microgeophagus ramirezi
  11. That would be a Paralabidochromis chromogynos, a Victorian cichlid. Patrick would probably know for sure as he like the Vics.
  12. This little chart can be a guide too. It is all africans and probably a little outdated as some genuses are not on the chart or have been reclassified. http://www.cichlidrecipe.com/cichlidchart/noflashchart.htm
  13. Welcome to the forum. Those Geophagus iporangensis really look nice when they are colored up. As for backgrounds a couple of options. You could paint the back a blue or black color. You could also check out Gills n Fins one of the forum sponsors. They have some really nice backgrounds that you can view at Nature's Corner. Raymond
  14. Hopefully some answers to your questions: 1. I have my compressips in with peacocks, a kadango, electric blue along with other miscellaneous africans and they are doing fine. 2. water parameters are compatible 3. I've read that the females need a shell or a cave that they can get into but the male can't. 4. They are probably about the same as other african cichlids. Keep up with the water changes and make sure your tank is cycled before adding them. 6. size, the males are going to be bigger. 8. probably yes, the calvuses I had at the auction went for a decent price. 9. go for what you like, I've had both and decided to go with the compressips. Raymond
  15. cuc = clean up crew, mainly hermits and snails. Hermits are opportunists and will eat whatever they can get their little claws on. My sexy shrimp was fine with them in the tank. He/she spent pretty much all the time perched near my frogspawn.
  16. Started out with tap water, but now I'm using RO/DI water.
  17. In a 10 gallon, lets see my endlers seem to be an almost limitless supply of fry. My jewels and chromatilapadia guentheri (mouthbrooding kribs) also seem to spawn like clockwork but they would need bigger tanks. The endlers will do fine with the parents though. I haven't seen any of my parents eat their fry yet.
  18. I did one order with them a while ago and I know that it was UPS that shipped but it was shipped from Manitoba. I tracked it when they sent me the notification that it was shipped. Raymond
  19. I see that you finally are able to have fish fry in your tanks now. Those endlers can do that quite well. I think even with the endlers I gave you I haven't had a decrease in my population.
  20. Now I haven't personally done this but Dalray did that at Wal-mart last time I talked to him. He bagged and then picked some tags from the "bin" and took them up to the cashier/
  21. I also saw one at Aquarium Illusions on the west end yesterday also. Price was not too bad.
  22. Let's see this would be my route: Big Als 3511-99 St Aquarium Enthusiasts 6734 - 75 Street Nature's Corner 9082-51 Ave Aquarium Illusions 16630 - 109 Avenue Aquagiant 11709-170 St. Aquagiant 12775 50 Street NW You can substitute 3803 Calgary Trail NW, Unit 150 for Big Als You can also skip Aquarium Illusions also. They do have freshwater but not a lot of it, their focus is more on saltwater. I picked Aquarium Enthusiasts before Nature's corner due to the fact the the only way to leave Aquarium Enthusiasts is a right turn.
  23. I think that what they meant was if you mate 2 EBJD's you get regular JD's. By mating with a regular JD you get fry with the recessive gene for the electric blue coloring. You then take a female from this spawn and mate it back with the father in order to get EBJD's.
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