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Wingin' It

Calgary & Area Member
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Everything posted by Wingin' It

  1. Welcome! A 90 gallon sounds wonderful...maybe one day i'll upgrade to that size too
  2. Hornwort, pennywort...they Don't ever stop growing! lol
  3. Wow...nice fish! From out of the darkness...comes a beautiful hunter! hahaha
  4. Shelldwellers! Brevis, Multifaciatus, Occellatus Might give it a nice balance...a lower dwelling fish with a middle to high dwelling fish??
  5. I was shopping in the yellow pages for a company that sells the plastic bags for the fish...I bought a schwack of bags once several years ago, but can't remember for the life of from whom. Where do you buy your fish bags from, how much $, how many and where on earth do you find the nice little elastic bands??!! If I can't find some by the 25th, I probably won't be putting in any fish/plants for the Calgary auction
  6. They're so pretty!!! I love the Red guy (2nd biggest??!) I'm a fan of the red! Congrats! That's an awesome turnout! I bought a new red male CT for my cambodian female CT so I hope I can get some nice ones outta their spawn! I love seein' these little guys. Thanks for the pics Cgy_Betta_Guy!
  7. Now, now...you should keep comments like those to yourself. There are members who would take great offence to that.
  8. There are lots of choices to put in, but I think the issue is more, What is available? Fairdeal might have something for you to choose from...or Try Gold's Aquarium here in Calgary (17th Ave SE). Actually, ya, the below suggestions would be good I think.
  9. Thanks! I have 6 in total, just found the 6th one...but 3 of them, i've come to the conclusion are belly sliders...they're not as big and just hang out on the bottom all the time. I guess I should just cull them and put them out of their missery but they're the first batch of Betta fry that i've been able to keep past 2 weeks! Oh well...I just got another CT Male last weekend so maybe he'll be a good dad too. One can hope anyways. You should take some pics of yours! I'd love to see 'em! Have you separated them yet or are they together? I think BlackMumba keeps hers together unless they start killing each other...which is cool.
  10. I flashed a light on the fry last night to see their colors...and I know I'm totally biased, but they're going to look GORGEOUS! lol Dad is Blue, mom is dark blue/green...they're kina like a teal so far, from what little I can see! Yay!
  11. Holy Freakin' That is Cool! Congrats! I had to show my kids 'cause they're so awesome!
  12. hahaha..."Doin' it like they do it on the Discovery Channel..." ooops...I mean Animal Planet...doesn't quite have the same ring to it though Congrats on the spawn! Hope some eggs made it safely!
  13. Welcome! So do you keep only Bettas for now?
  14. So we all like pics, and I just uploaded some and thought i'd share... This is one of my babies...about a month old now Here's a SD baby that I got from fishclubgirl a few months ago...he LUV's his food haha he's not very big yet, but his fins have a nice subtle green on them.
  15. Wow...that is a ginormous tank! Some sweet lookin' fish in there too!
  16. MICROWORMS Are the shiznick??!! LOL I gave up on BBS! And hey! I've got 5 Betta fry that are about a month old now!! Yay! I finally did it and used MWs!
  17. Welcome to the site and back to the hobby! There are a few people on here that are into rays and many into the planted!
  18. Sorry to hear of your problems... I have yet to completely trust any of my test kits...they always come in at 0! I stopped using them. Is your guppy tank crowded? If yes, you might want to thin out the crowd. Overcrowding can cause fish to be more suseptable to disease. I would suggest increasing the temperature in the tanks and add some aquarium salt...it's definately saved lots of my fish from medications. Also, maybe minor, maybe not...I wouldn't use the same net in your tanks...it can spread diseases. I have about 6 nets for that reason. Good luck.
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