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Just wondering why our Post counts when down?

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I've noticed them dropping as well.

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I ran a purge of deleted/removed posts so your counts would closer reflect your 'actual' post count. As well, I now have the system set up to NOT increment or count posts made in the Water Cooler. This way, only usefull and 'hobby related' posts will be counted, and not "that's funny" replies to the jokes.

I am VERY tempted to completely remove all displays of post count, as some people seem to be more concerned with quantity, over quality.

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Holy crap HOSStile, did you take the day off to think that one up?!?!?! -roll-

I'm all for it, just numbers to me, maybe we should replace it with a title. Maybe it could be a ranking of the member's helpfulness overall. There could be Advisors, Novice, and whatever anyone else thinks there should be.

This way, the new members would be striving to make the advisors title instead of reaching the two-tang level.

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Holy crap HOSStile, did you take the day off to think that one up?!?!?! -roll-

I'm all for it, just numbers to me, maybe we should replace it with a title. Maybe it could be a ranking of the member's helpfulness overall. There could be Advisors, Novice, and whatever anyone else thinks there should be.

This way, the new members would be striving to make the advisors title instead of reaching the two-tang level.

Uh no, I am just naturally witty. Only it would seem to be more than numbers to some people, the people that just don't "get it", that quality is more than quantity. To say that they agree with someone with vastly superior knowledge is really saying nothing at all. I wish these people would find a chat room somewhere so that they can type meaningless drivel to their hearts content, and maybe just maybe they will find someone to respond to them in kind. I have an idea.... Let's talk about fish.

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I am totally in favour of reducing the number crunchers, but I kind of like the post count / member since stats. These help members who do not know many of the regulars to determine if they are credible.

This is interesting because I made a similar post about "number chasers" 2 weeks ago and the thread got frozen. I have thought more on this since and I don't believe my first thoughts were entirely fair. I am not one of those multi-posters, but I think that the "hostile" (just a joke about your name hoss) tone of this thread is unfair to those people who enjoy their community with little validations of others contributions. After all, no-one likes it when they post and they get no response at all. Everyone likes to hear feedback about their fish, even if it is just " :bow: nice fish". So I think that there are some people whose feelings are hurt by the direction this thread is going. Lets not drive these people out of our community because there is not what someone else sees as value in each post they make, that is like divorcing your wife because your mother-in-law is annoying. These members make valuable contributions as well as "supportive" posts. Instead lets be more understanding and PM an individual member in a polite manner if they are spamming topics to get the counts up.

I would be more inclined to have the water cooler a "number free" zone, some people enjoy the jokes and the responses lend support and a sense of community to those members, even if it is just a -roll- .

To end on a lighter note - will I get credit for this post???


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The Water Cooler is the ONLY posrtion of AA (at this time) that is a post-increment free zone. Any post, anywhere else on the site, will be counted as a valid post. So yes, Kevin, you're numbers are rocketing up.

To your first comment, re: credibilty based on figures - we had several members who had accumulated a LARGE portion of their posts in the WC... and in the past while nearl nil posts elsewhere on the forum. I am able to IP/page view track every single member and the numbers were simply pointing to a group of people who were ONLY viewing the WC and posting. Now I'll be the first to admit, Guests or members not signed in cannot access the WC hence sign in is mandatory, but when an IP is noted as coming onto the site, hitting a dozen threads in the WC combined with multiple hits containing the character string "act=post&do=reply_post&f=4" in their request, then they exit the site.

This is NOT an open forum for the discussion of 'anything'. This is NOT a place to tell us all the joke we got in our Inbox, too. This is first and foremost a forum dedicated above all else to the aquariast hobby and it's improvement for all Albertans. When people abuse the members, they are gone. When people abuse the mods, they are gone. And when I see people abusing the forum...

I would like to clarify at this time that this is an ongoing issue on every forum I have ever participated in. This is NOT because of a 'few' people (because I KNOW there are going to be a couple people glaring at their screens thinking I am attacking them) - this is somethign I have ALWAYS done on the forums I have been involved with, and it has always seen a positive result.

Before hitting the submit button on any forum, anywhere in the world, ask yourself "Does this content add to the thread? Are my comments or questions here going to enhance the quality of conversation? Do I really have something valid and meaningful to add?" I hope you do... I try to, and look how cool I am.

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I don't think anyone here is suggesting that an incidental posting of "Nice fish" is in anyway detrimental to the forum.

However, when a member posts 20 posts a day that consist of a word or two each, all made within the 5 minutes they log in, obviously they are going for post counts, or have nothing really to say.

As for the jokes, perhaps I should start PM'ing those members with all the ones I get from my mother-in-law and other family members each day. :lol:

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